
Birthing classes: Here’s What You Need to Know

You are five months pregnant and you realize, “I am going to get this baby; I better be prepared!” But the question is how? You should sign up for birthing classes where you are prepared to receive the baby.

As an expectant mother, birthing classes will help you avoid confusion and chaos when the time to give birth comes. The courses range from one-day intensive workshop to a monthly basis and include discussions, exercises, and lectures conducted by a trained childbirth tutor. Birthing classes are very important and you should consider them as an important factor when it comes to labor and delivery.

They aim to prepare the mother of what’s to come, motivating her to go into childbirth with confidence and ready to make sound decisions.

In this post, you’ll find answers to almost every question you have regarding birthing classes.

Do You Need to Sign Up for Birthing Classes?

It is a common concern for expectant mothers. As you might know, knowledge is power; the more you know about the delivery process, the less fearful you will be as you approach the labor room.

Birthing classes will help you understand the rhythm of pushing and also the intensity of transition. Most women have the wrong impression of childbirth, as depicted in Hollywood, which entails screaming or a hysterical woman in stirrups on top of a table. Giving birth doesn’t have to be that way and in fact, it shouldn’t.

By signing up for birthing classes, you can build confidence and learn about the physiological process of birth, making the much-awaited day bring joy as opposed to agony and regrets.

When is the Right Time to Start the Birthing Classes?

You can sign up birthing sessions at any time of your pregnancy period, but the best time to sign up is during the second trimester. This is because, during this stage of pregnancy, you are still comfortable, healthy and strong.

It’s far enough that you will able to keep the information that you learned but not too close to giving birth that you’ll feel rushed.

How Much Will You Pay for Birthing Classes?

The price of birthing classes greatly varies, depending on the type of classes you are registering, how comprehensive it is, and also the location. Be sure to visit the various childbirth classes near you and choose the one that matches your needs.

You can also find a childbirth online class at an affordable price. They are well established and comprehensive and aimed for families in midwifery and OB care. These online courses will give you all the information you need to feel prepared and informed.

Does Insurance Cover Birthing Classes?

In most cases, birthing sessions are not covered by health insurance. Be sure to check out with your insurance provider to know what is and what is not included.

However, childbirth classes are partially eligible for reimbursement through a health savings account or flexible spending account.

Should I Take Birthing Classes From A Hospital?

We would not recommend that you take in-hospital birthing classes. Why? Because courses offered by hospitals will generally teach expectant women to be good patients but not empowered birthers.

However, there are exceptions. Check out with your hospital to see if they are a certified “Baby-Friendly” hospital. Also, you can sign up at OB-GYN, which is more mother-centric but less intervention-focused.

What Classes are Ideal for You?

There are many different categories of childbirth classes out there, each with varying commitments in terms of time, philosophies, and expenses. Conduct a thorough research to find the one that matches your goals, learning style and also your personality.

The different type of birthing courses include:

  1. In-person sessions
  2. In-person, which are conducted by local doulas
  3. Online Childbirth classes

Consider all factors so you can choose a birthing class that fits both your’s and your partner’s needs.

Where Can I Find Birthing Classes?

You are wondering where you can sign up for a childbirth course near you. Make Google, your friend. You can search “Birthing courses near me” and study the local results shown. If this fails, you can give Google Maps a try. Also, you can contact the local midwife office and they will direct you in the right direction.

Taking classes near you will have both positive and negative impacts. On the positive side, you will meet up with other pregnant women and share your experience. On the negative side, these courses might be expensive and unsuitable for you.

If you have any questions, please ask below!