
Lose Your Extra Weight within a Week

09/10/12 Daily Dose Kotz Neti fit and obeseGoing through with extra weight is very uncomfortable and also unhealthy. The recent statistics of several health organizations show that, the maximum people become attacked by several diseases just because extra weight. Heavy weigh can be the cause of diabetes, heart diseases, stroke and many other bad experiences. It also creates an odd looking situation with the extra weight. Sometimes people do not know how to control their weight and fall in difficulty. Without the proper knowledge of weight loosing, your effort may go on wastage.

The best way to lose weight is exercise. There is no other miracle option to lose weight, and recover your body shape without exercise. The proper exercise can reverse back the diseases which seems harmful for your extra weight. Exercise can make your blood pressure lower and also can keep the cholesterol in control. The controlled bold pressure and cholesterol can reduce the heart attack and stroke risk. Regular exercise can also reduce the cancer risk, like breast and colon cancer. The most importance of taking exercise regularly is, it can make you confidant and develop the sense of well-being. It can also make you free from excess stress and depression.

  • Limit of exercise

The question can be in your mind that, how much exercise is necessary for you to make it effective. Exercise need to be taken in proper way, and also need to follow the proper timing for daily exercise. If the proper timing schedule is not followed for your exercise, your workout will not be effective. Aerobic exercise can amazingly help you to lose weight in a short time. At least three times in a week, the aerobic exercise should be done for best result. The session time will have to be 20-30 minutes. However, the 20 minuets is the minimum time. If you give up earlier than the minimum time of the session, your workout may not work properly. More than 20 minutes is better, but not more than 1 hour at a session.

Along with the aerobic exercise, just 15 minutes of moderate exercise is needed for better result. You can walk (minimum one mile), or take free hand exercises during this time to burn the minimum 100 extra calories in daily basis. It will burn your 700 extra calories in a week. But the sessions need to take in regular basis.

  • Target of Heart Rate

You will receive many health benefits from exercise. Along with exercise, it is important to know your targeted heart rate. There is a basic formula to know the targeted heart rate. It is, you will have to subtract your own age from the number 220, and then, take (60-80) % of the subtracted number. Who are the beginners in exercise, they will start from 60%. If you found that, your targeted heart rate is not in control, it is necessary to consult to a physician and take the extra care of your health.

  • Some Recommended Exercise

If you only choose the exercises, and not do it practically, your aim to lose weight will never come true. So, you will have to choose the correct pattern of exercise and do it in regular. Generally, people feel bored with the same regular exercise. So, the experts suggest taking these exercises, which are enjoyable. Such types of exercises are,

  • Aerobic
  • Yoga
  • Weight raining, etc.

In addition to these all exercises, some more stapes can be taken to lose weight within a short time. Like,

  • You can swim in daily; it is very effective to lose weight
  • Cycling is an another weight loser activity
  • Use the stairs, instead of lift
  • Park the car or other vehicle in a distance.


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