Search Results for "transparent app"


Is Event App Live Mobile Experience Worth the Hype?

As we enter the era of hyper-connectivity, we are bound to witness new developments and innovations with disruptive technologies. Social media has emerged as a necessary element for every conclave and gathering, giving rise to a new culture of live streaming. Moving ahead, every company is busy generating a live […]


Innovation Approach in the Merchandising Industry

Innovation is a key driver of success in the merchandising industry. With constantly changing consumer preferences and trends, merchandisers must continually adapt and innovate in order to stay ahead of the competition and deliver products and experiences that resonate with customers. The Scope of Traditional Merchandising Merchandising is a big […]


Are Hookup Apps Worth Your Time?

Unless you are a genuine Don Juan, it can be very challenging to find a quick hookup. In fact, you actually have to put a lot of effort even into a casual fling. You must go through the trouble of dressing up nice, go to bars and nightclubs, scan potential […]


The Visible Approach to Marketing Products for Women

The two main methods for reaching consumers of either gender we call the “visible” and “transparent” approaches to marketing—plus a third or “hybrid” approach that combines the two. Each of these options can be highly effective in reaching women in particular. The success of one approach or another depends on […]


Transparent Marketing Secrets for Women

A transparent approach guides marketers to go beyond the obvious and truly tailor programs for the community they want to reach. Here are some secrets used by the best transparent marketers in the business: 1 SHOW HER “REAL” WOMEN AND RELATABLE SCENARIOS For the last twenty years, in survey after […]


What is Expenses Management Software?

Using the Expense Management Software man of the firm, Cm manages the automated expense report submission, travel bookings, report submission, accelerated reimbursements, and real-time track expenses. It’s a type of application that simplifies the receipt-to-reimbursement process and automates much of it. Discuss some of the benefits of using Expense management […]