Search Results for "marijuana plants"


8 Tips for Choosing Healthy CBD Products

CBD is an incredibly powerful element that can provide a broad range of medicinal and recreational benefits, but all of that can be lost if you are choosing the wrong types of CBD products. Since for many, this is a brand-new world that can be challenging to navigate with confidence, […]


Cannabis: An Overview

Cannabis, weed, Mary Jane, marijuana, reefer, or whatever you want to call it, has recently started to gain a better reputation in mainstream society. With a trend of legalization and decriminalization, the cannabis industry is booming. While the plant is being used for its medicinal, therapeutic, and recreational benefits, many […]


Cultivating Cannabis – A Beginners Guide

The law surrounding cannabis use, growth, and distribution has been a touchy subject for decades. Across the globe, some countries have taken the lead in its legalization, while some are still yet to follow. American cannabis enthusiasts, however, are rejoicing as the laws are being lifted state by state. Awareness […]

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A Comprehensive Insight about CBD

Quick Highlights Regarding CBD Hemp and cannabis plants carry a compound ‘Cannabidiol’’ (CBD), which is well known in dietary products. The forecast regarding the CBD industry, which anticipates that the industry is likely to achieve $20 billion in sales by 2024. Due to the 2018 Farm Bill, hemp and hemp […]

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The Advantages of CBG That Will Make It The Next Big Thing

Research is underway to determine the health benefits of Cannabigerol or CBG. First, this article will explore its potential to treat inflammatory diseases, glaucoma, and neuroprotective properties. Cannabigerol In addition to CBD, the cannabis plant contains 111 other cannabinoids. But, cannabinoids have received the most attention. Among them is cannabigerol, […]


CBD Topicals: An introduction

CBD topicals are products that are used on the surface of the skin to ease muscle and skin related problems. These products include salves, ointments, gels, and patches that can be bought legally in the USA. While various forms of CBD can be ingested like edibles, tinctures, and vape oils, […]


Health Benefits of CBD Oil: What is CBD oil?

Whаt iѕ CBD Oil? CBD оil iѕ extracted from thе саnnаbiѕ рlаnt that соntаinѕ a group of incredible mоlесulеѕ саllеd саnnаbinоidѕ. THC is the most well-known cannabinoid for it’s psychoactive affects and ability to give the user a high. CBD oil however is typically extracted from hemp, the name given […]

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Hemp Oil and CBD Oil: Are they the same?

Maybe you’ve heard about the different natural wonders of CBD infused edibles and supplements in general health. As you browse for natural products and supplements which contain CBD or Cannabidiol, you might encounter the terms, ‘Hemp oil’ and ‘CDB oil’ and eventually get confused –what are the differences or similarities? […]