
Cultivating Cannabis – A Beginners Guide

The law surrounding cannabis use, growth, and distribution has been a touchy subject for decades. Across the globe, some countries have taken the lead in its legalization, while some are still yet to follow.

American cannabis enthusiasts, however, are rejoicing as the laws are being lifted state by state. Awareness of its positive health benefits is spreading, and the generation gap of users is closing. The use of cannabis is transferring from a crime to a trend and finally into the norm.

Remember, however, that each state holds its own legislation on what is permitted by each individual. Some states allow personal growth with limits, whereas others only allow the sale of cannabis from licensed vendors. So before you set out in the hopes of cultivating your own farm of multi-strains, take an informed look at what your state allows.

Great news! Your state allows the personal growth of a few plants, and you’re keen to get growing. Green thumbs at the ready, it’s time to prepare all the necessities you will need to grow healthy and large plants.

Heat and Light

Like any plant, Cannabis plants need light. If you’re growing indoors, they need to be under an artificial light source appropriate for plants. There are three main light types that you can choose from that will see your buds thrive. These are LED, Fluorescent, and HID. Indoor plants need to be under light for 12 hours of the day.

For healthy germination, this 12-hour cycle shouldn’t be disrupted, so a timer is a handy thing to use from the get-go. You can also splash out on a grow tent that has everything you need built into it with little D.I.Y.

Heat is also another critical factor when it comes to growing bountiful buds, and 27C is cannabis’s happy temperature. This ensures your plant doesn’t get stressed and goes into survival mode, which will see leaves being dropped and a small crop, if any, at all.

There are a variety of products available for temperature control, but don’t forget your lights will expel heat too.

Quality Seeds

Probably the most crucial thing to get right is the quality of your seeds. Before you’ve even put them in the soil, the quality will determine how successful your crop will be. Low-quality seeds will give a low yield of crop or no germination at all, so be careful when you buy. Look for a guarantee or returns policy for non-germinating seeds for assurance.

Furthermore, only female plants will produce smokable cannabis, so be prepared to lose a few plants to the compost bin. You can, however, buy feminized seeds in USA, which will give you only female plants. Although more expensive, you can be assured that what you are growing is usable.

Additionally, there are hundreds of strains to choose from! Choose one that you have experience with firstly, one that you know you enjoy or soothes your symptoms when growing for medical purposes.

Finally, it’s important also to choose a strain of plant that fits your intended growing environment. Some types grow well indoors, in pots, and cramped conditions. Whereas others need plenty of open space as they grow into large bushes.

Ventilation Vs. Humidity

Ventilation and humidity can be a tricky partnership to balance.

For a healthy plant, proper ventilation is essential, as this releases gases and allows your plant to breathe. Ventilation is also key to keeping pests, mold, and fungus at bay. Stale air trapped inside of a grow tent, cupboard, or greenhouse can hinder the growth of your plant and send it into shock.

Humidity, on the other hand, is just as important to establish roots and vigorous growth. The life cycle of the cannabis plant is split into 4 stages, and each step requires different levels. Having a hygrometer and thermometer set up will help you keep track and control of your conditions.

Adequate ventilation and humidity can be achieved by using fans, tracking conditions, and smart watering. If you’re growing outside, ventilation is something you needn’t worry about, and humidity is out of your control.

Relax and Enjoy the Fruits of Your Labor!

Growing your first crop can sound complicated, but once you master the technique of keeping your plant in the right conditions and ensure it has everything it needs from seed to bud, you will soon be enjoying the satisfaction of all your hard work.

Don’t stress if the first time you don’t succeed fully, growing anything from seed can be a process of learning. Be proud of what you have achieved, and next time your crop will be bigger. In the future, you may even want to experiment with different strains and growing techniques.

If you have any questions, please ask below!