
12 Food supplements that should not be missing from the diet

There are people who take dietary supplements from time to time to improve the health of their skin, hair, and nails; however, is it advisable to do this as you wish?

The world of natural supplements is vast and varied. Therefore, we must know them a little and consult with the family doctor before deciding to incorporate them into the diet.

Although they all seem beneficial, in reality, we must be careful with them, because they can cause interactions and, consequently, adverse reactions.

The best supplements for ideal health

Dietary supplements for improving physical exercise and athletic performance come in a wide variety of forms, such as tablets, capsules, liquids, powders, and bars that contain a variety of ingredients for their many functions. Many athletes, especially elite track and field athletes, use these supplements as a fundamental part of their daily routine, either in training or during competition.

Next, we will tell you about the natural supplements that are usually considered necessary for good health.

  1. Magnesium

Many people do not get enough magnesium in their diets. Before reaching for a supplement, however, you should know that just a few servings of magnesium-rich foods a day can satisfy your need for this important nutrient. Why is magnesium important? Magnesium plays many crucial roles in the body, such as supporting muscle and nerve function and energy production.

  1. Vitamin C

Vitamin C is a nutrient that acts as an antioxidant and can help reduce the impact of oxidative stress. It also contributes to the production of collagen.

It is believed that when you take vitamin C supplements, you benefit from:

  • Strengthening the immune system.
  • Healthier skin and stronger bones and joints.
  1. Spirulina

Spirulina is one of the food supplements that has become very famous in recent years with the growth of fitness trends. It has been said that it is a true superfood and, therefore, many people have not hesitated to incorporate it into their diet through supplements.

It is supposed to help:

  • Provides energy and vitality.
  • Improves the health of the skin, hair and nails.
  • Helps to lose weight in a healthy way.
  1. Calcium

For many years it has been believed that it is necessary to take calcium supplements from time to time to maintain the health of the bone system. However, this is not as true as it is believed. You should take calcium supplements only if your doctor recommends it. Otherwise, it is sufficient to integrate the various sources of this nutrient, in a balanced way, in the diet.

  1. Brewer’s yeast

Brewer’s yeast is a supplement that is usually recommended for vegetarians and vegans, as it helps them complete their diet. However, there are those who believe that it would also be recommended for athletes, because it would help to obtain additional vitamins, minerals and energy. It can be taken for breakfast, mixed with some juice, milk or yogurt or in capsules or tablets.

  1. Turmeric

Considering that turmeric has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties (due to its curcumin content), it is considered that eating cucumber can be beneficial for health.

  1. Probiotics

Probiotics are supplements that help improve the intestinal bacterial flora. This is not only related to good bowel function, but it is essential to enjoy good general health. In turn, the intestine is related to the absorption of nutrients and also to the immune system, which is why it is essential to always keep it healthy. Probiotics for better health can be found in the selection below. If you want to learn more, consider reading Strother Health Expert Reviews.

  1. Lecithin

Lecithin is a natural component of all cells in the human body and helps to emulsify cholesterol in the body. Lecithin is naturally present in egg yolks, liver, nuts, whole wheat, unrefined vegetable oils, soy and corn, but it is also found as a dietary supplement in the form of capsules, syrup and granules. Lecithin is rich in phosphorus and, together with iron, iodine and calcium, gives strength and energy to the brain and favors the digestion and absorption of fats. Lecithin is also made up of natural fats, unsaturated fatty acids, and choline.

  1. Algae

Seaweeds are vegetable substances rich in minerals that grow in the oceans. Marine plants have the advantage, compared to those on land, of growing in seawater, where the minerals are continuously renewed. Seaweeds are rich in all the necessary minerals. There are different varieties of seaweed, including laminarina (also known as kelp), nori, wakame and Irish moss, and they all have a salty taste. Algae is one of the richest substances in iodine; it also contains many vitamins from the B complex, vitamin D, E and K, calcium and magnesium. It is often used as a salt substitute and is available in dry, powder and tablet form.

  1. Royal jelly

This viscous, orange-colored substance, created by bees, contains a multitude of health benefits, because it is full of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants that give you the energy you need for the whole day. Royal jelly helps combat the feeling of weakness and lack of vitality, both physically and intellectually. It strengthens the immune system, which makes it a great ally for preventing flu, colds and other types of infections – choose royal jelly to strengthen immunity.

  1. Ginseng

Ginseng – the natural revitalizing par excellence. In China, the use of this natural supplement dates back several millennia, due to its therapeutic properties. Among the many benefits of ginseng are increasing the feeling of energy, preventing the harmful effects caused by stressful situations and acting as a toner in case of weakness.

  1. Wheat germ

The most nutritious part of the grain is a real vein of vitamin E, one of the most powerful antioxidants that protects the body’s cells. Wheat germ supplements are highly recommended for those who suffer from a certain type of deficiency due to inadequate diets or diseases that prevent the correct assimilation of nutrients. This natural supplement is ideal to be added to salads, milk, soups or juices.

Avoid taking food supplements without the doctor’s authorization.

Avoid taking supplements without your doctor’s permission. Remember that these, however beneficial they may be at certain times, are not always convenient. In addition, certain issues must be taken into account, so that it can provide results, to be used correctly.

When should you take food supplements?

In the popular field, there are several beliefs around supplements. One of them is that, after a certain age, they are necessary to maintain good physical health. However, the truth is that not all people should take them.

If a person is healthy, maintaining good life habits will be sufficient. On the other hand, if the person has a certain type of deficiency or needs a certain nutrient to feel better, for whatever reason, the doctor may consider prescribing a specific supplement for a period of time.

In general, it is not recommended to consume vitamin supplements, even if they are natural, continuously, because they can cause health damage.

Although they allow you to get nutrients, you don’t have to support your health only in their consumption. Above all, the most important thing is to maintain healthy and consistent lifestyle habits.

In addition, it must be remembered that an adequate diet is able to provide the body with everything it needs to function properly, at any stage of life.

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