
Cloud Native Architecture: Building Scalable and Resilient Applications in the Cloud

Cloud native architecture has evolved from the challenges faced in legacy approaches. In the past, poorly designed and deployed applications were common. However, with a rapid evolution, engineers are now able to leverage cloud computing features for application development services. Software engineers nowadays leverage such cloud computing technologies to build highly resilient, scalable, and flexible applications.
Cloud native application relies on microservices, cloud-native technologies, serverless computing systems, and containers to create robust applications. Through this blog, let’s explore how cloud native applications enable designing scalable and resilient applications.

Scalable And Resilient Application Development With Cloud Native Architecture

Traditional architectures are struggling with growing business demands and ever-evolving criteria of software applications. Cloud native architecture comes out as a blessing for enterprise application development dynamics. Meanwhile, such approaches utilize cloud computing principles to gain impressive user experience followed by agility and decreased downtime.

Scalable application development:

Cloud native architecture opens the door for mobile application developers to design modem software by scaling the increased application demands. Furthermore, this technology is shaping the future of application development with more powerful computing and storage systems. The main agenda of building scalable applications with a could-native approach is scaling huge traffic.
Beyond all, scalable apps designed by cloud-native applications maintain workload without compromising performance and quality. Key features considered while building a scalable application are:

  • Auto-scaling: In cloud application development, auto-scaling has a scope for horizontal scaling. These criteria in scalable app designing involve automatically adding and removing redundant instances. As a result, this automatic scaling balances increased traffic and workload for improved outcomes.
  • Vertical scaling: Designing scalable applications follows the vertical scaling feature in terms of containerization. Further, this strategy controls traffic by capturing components into containers with increased instances. Such components can undergo easy scale-up or down to manage workloads.

Resilient application development:

Failure in web application development is a common incidence. Adapting to rapid transformation or any kind of software development failure is no longer like climbing a mountain! Yes, software engineers can resist any uncertainty or failure with cloud native architecture. Building resilient apps with cloud-native applications focuses on designing fault tolerance. Furthermore, such technology makes it possible for applications to run critical functions during system failure. Here is a list of features a resilient app developer follows:

  • Redundancy: When it comes to resilient applications, a cloud-native framework ensures redundancy within servers and databases. With this feature, a resilient app builds multiple instances while an application or system faces failure.
  • Degrading functionalities: While designing a resilient app, degrading functionality enables engineers to reduce some components without hampering continuous operations. Meanwhile, dissolving some non-required functions can not interrupt the ongoing functioning of an application with this feature.
  • Automated failover: Within cloud application development, automated failover detects risks within a subsystem or component and restricts further failure. Meanwhile, resilient apps with such features tend to transform into redundant components after detecting a failure. System health checks and load balancing with distributed traffic prevent system failures as a future consequence.

Cloud Native Architecture: Key Principles

At its core, cloud native architecture follows key principles that consider flexibility, elasticity, and availability from the cloud environment. The fundamentals of cloud native architect are as follows:
Microservices: Microservices from the cloud native approach break down large applications into smaller, independent parts. Furthermore, these independent components connect through APIs because of the loose-coupling nature. Besides a monolithic traditional application, microservices develop resilient and scalable apps with independent designing and deploying capabilities.
Containers: In native cloud applications, containers are isolated, portable, and lightweight environments. This element enables packaging codes from an application, including its further dependencies, for better performance and scaling. Meanwhile, containers help mobile application developers to run any app anywhere across the cloud platform.
Automation: One of the fundamental principles of cloud native architecture is automation. This characteristic automates designing, deploying, and scaling up or down during application development.
CI/CD: A software development practice, CI/CD makes cloud application development easier with fast code review and updates. Meanwhile, rapid and error-free custom web app development is possible with automated testing and deployment with CI/CD.
Serverless computing: This principle in the native cloud framework automates resource adjustments based on demand shifts. Moreover, coding is easy with this process by removing complications with infrastructure.

Benefits and challenges

Application development services are adopting cloud native applications as a modern form of software development. Apart from all, a cloud native application builds future-proof applications and solutions by overcoming difficulties with traditional applications. However, this technological advancement also has a range of pros and cons. Let’s explore the benefits and limitations of cloud native architecture.
The benefits of cloud native applications are:
1. Scalability: One of the key advantages of cloud native applications involves scalability. Such cloud-based apps can scale up or down according to the traffic or workload. Moreover, microservices, in this case, streamline resources.
2. Resilience: Such architecture over traditional applications provides fault-tolerance abilities. If any component fails, cloud native applications run anyway.
3. Agility: Applications developed by cloud native architecture are highly agile. Such applications can manage change requirements with quick updates.
4. Security: Cloud native patterns have in-built security features. Besides, such applications have encryption, regular monitoring, and access control. This strategy can restrict any unauthorized user from accessing the application.
5. Cost-effectiveness: These cloud native architectures are more cost-effective while designing software.

However, relative challenges in native-based applications are:

1. Costing of services: Costing of cloud native tools and services is a major issue in enterprise application development. Sometimes, project requirements require huge costs for cloud-native tools.
2. Issues with multisystem failure: For application development services, cloud native architecture has risks of multisystem failure. Such disasters impact productivity in modern software development.
3. Difficult to architect failure control regulatory compliance: A disaster resistance system for custom software development with a native cloud framework is critical. Such complex architecture is not easy to implement at the enterprise level.


Cloud native architectures are responsible for developing innovative solutions for modern software development. Designing highly scalable and resilient apps with cloud-native platforms enables software engineers to streamline operations and gain efficiencies. Further, cloud native architecture provides highly available, robust, and flexible apps with microservices, containers, and serverless computing. This innovative approach revolutionizes enterprise application development with more reliable and agile software design and deployment.

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