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Steps to Recovery After a Dog Attack

Being bitten by a dog can be a traumatic experience and have a lasting effect on your perception of dogs or all animals together. Although most dogs are loving and kind, you may one day find yourself in a situation with a not-so-friendly pup. If you or anyone you know […]


The Advantages of an HMI for a Control System

Human Machine Interface, or HMI as it is also known is an interface between the machine and its user. An interface can include items such as MP3 players, household appliances, industrial computers and office equipment. However, an HMI is very specific to manufacturing and process control systems. It provides a […]


The Pros and Cons of Pressure Calibration

When looking to calibrate your equipment, there are several approaches to get it done properly. One type includes pressure calibration, which is also becoming even more popular because of the many advantages of this process. Below discusses some of the pros and cons associated with pressure calibration. Compressed gasses […]


Certified Tips on Improving Your CV

Considering there are more of us out of work now than there perhaps ever has been before, it’s always a good idea to keep your CV up to scratch. But potential employers of today don’t just expect a CV that’s neat, tidy and up-to-date, they expect a CV that’s going […]


How Magnets Improve Our World

Since mankind first discovered the ‘lodestone’, we have utilised the power of magnetism to our benefit. This magnetised rock of iron oxide can be used within a compass where it is affected by the earth’s magnetic field which causes it to point north. According to the website, the most […]


The Formal and Informal Aspects of Project Management

There are two main types of project management: formal and informal. Formal project management supposes generating of well-crafted plans and implementing them while informal management is concerned with coordination and motivation of staff to achieve general objectives Formal project management Formal project management involves strategic planning of projects, which is […]