Search Results for "financial"


How Big Data Can Improve Your Business Productivity

2.5 quintillion bytes of data are generated daily around the world. The data are received from every digital equipment and devices that we use everyday from climate information, digital pictures, social network posts, shared, files, uploaded and downloaded music, transaction records, GPS and such. These different types of information are […]


No Win No Fee Medical Negligence Claims

The term "medical negligence" is used for indicating the incidents where the mistakes committed by the medical practitioners cause the patients to suffer. The medical negligence cases are not so easy to deal with. The support and advices of a medical negligence solicitor is must to establish the claims for […]


The Greatest Wall Street Crashes Of All Time

American financial markets have always experienced cycles of expansion and contraction. Since the advent of modern stock exchanges, daily stock averages have been used as an indicator of economic activity. At several points during the past century stock markets have crashed, experiencing a steep decline in value in a short […]


Videos as a Digital Marketing Tool

Online videos are not merely a form of entertainment anymore. Together with social media platforms such as Facebook and Twitter, videos have become a very important marketing tool. The most well known video platform, YouTube, is also the second largest search engine globally, right after Google. With over one billion […]

Marketing SEO

The Leading SEO Indicators in 2013

In almost every form of progressive industry, indicators are used to analyze data and forecast future performance. From the results that are generated, it is possible to adapt or tailor an existing strategy to achieve more effective results, and this method of working is prevalent across a host of financial, […]


How to Find a Job if You Are Over 50?

Getting a job in these difficult financial times is hard enough, but it can be even harder if you are over the age of 50. Older workers are far more likely to find themselves unemployed in the long-term so what can you do to improve your chances of finding employment? […]

Real estate

How to Pick Up Reliable Real Estate Agents

Risks are inevitable element or part of being involved into real estate business either for once or as a lifetime profit-generating career considering the possibility of loss when the sales negotiation is not that financially favorable for neither the seller nor the buyer. And seldom perhaps that both parties are […]


Tips for an Economical Car

Regardless of who you are, what you do, and where you are living (and assuming you are not one of the fabled 1%), you know for a fact that times are hard. I'm not going to go and compare it to the past decades or reminisce about better times, that'd […]

Real estate

Australian Property Market Growth Still Sluggish?

Professional opinions about the economic stability of the country vary between analysts but a lot of the controversy has been generated because market behaviours have not followed the same trends in previous periods where interventions have had to be made to provide financial relief for borrowers. One key comparison is […]


The Best Cars to Buy in 2013

If you are indecisive as to what car to buy in 2013, we have put a list together of some of the best cars on the market this year. Whether you want to have a look at some of the top class models out there, buy or even hire a […]