Search Results for "financial"


Should you Invest in Used or Brand New Cars?

While the global economy remains on a slightly uneven keel, the rate of new car sales has exploded in developed economies across the world. After 18 consecutive months of expansion within the UK market, for example, now America has returned to double digit growth for the first time since 2012. […]

Green tech

Assessing the RHI and its Impact on Home-owners

In recent times, the concept of corporate responsibility has earned genuine credibility in developed economies around the world. Adopted by private and public organisations as a way of responding to increasing consumer awareness, it has also triggered the development of numerous sustainable measures across multiple industries. The existing British government […]

Other stories

Vaccinations Your Dog Should Get

Caring for your dog is important to the pet’s health, and a good owner will want to prevent them from coming down with serious diseases like Lyme Disease, rabies, and hepatitis, all of which can be prevented with vaccinations. Veterinarians are now looking into additional vaccinations that can prevent flu-like […]


Managing the cost of Procurement Training

Procurement training in the food sector is highly significant. It prepares the future managers for the industry through rigorous training and workshops. The trainees get to learn the process of devising and executing strategies for specific purposes. The most interesting part is that they also get familiar with the cost management involved […]

Automotive Electronics

Innovations in GPS tracking and Fleet management

Global Positioning System (GPS) may be a space-based satellite navigation system [it's a system of satellites that give autonomous geo-spatial positioning with international coverage. It permits tiny electronic receivers to see their location (longitude, latitude, and altitude) to high exactness (within a couple of meters) exploitation time signals transmitted on […]

Small business

Advice on How to Develop your Home Based Business

While the issues facing small business owners across the globe continue to mount, there is a tangible sense of optimism among entrepreneurs and independent contractors. So even as American ventures brace themselves for future government shut-downs and their UK counterparts deal with the prospect of unstable economic growth, individuals are […]


Best Times to Purchase Life Insurance

The best time to purchase life insurance is when you are young. And you aren't getting any younger, so there's no time like the present. The younger you are, the cheaper your package will be. The main question for buying life insurance is whether or not you need it. Chances […]


Combating the Tell Tale Signs of Age and Infirmity

With the government shut-down in the U.S. dominating international headlines, it is little wonder that officials are desperately looking for ways to save public money. While the federal government discuss reforming healthcare and education, however, recent research has suggested that simply extending the average human lifespan and reducing the prevalence […]