Search Results for "difficult"


Playing Favourites-Personal Injury Law on Employers’ Side

The government is hoping to do-away with tight health and safety laws, in a bid to crush ‘compensation culture.' Their proposed bill will reduce the amount of successful claims against businesses, but will largely remove rigid liability and employer responsibility for the safety of workers. Union groups are fighting this […]


Workers! Know Your Rights

It's a lot of information to take in, but everyone should know their employment law rights. There are two types: statutory (laid down by the government) and contractual (signed off by your employer). This article mainly discusses statutory rights - it's the bare minimum your employer should offer you. Any […]


How to Battle Fatigue after a Brain Injury

Almost universally, those who suffer from a brain injury complain of fatigue. This can disrupt lives and make working untenable. We can all empathize with mental fatigue - an afternoon spent reading through a hard textbook or balancing numbers can leave us all feeling exhausted (even though we've been sat […]

Small business Taxes

Tax Advice for Small Businesses

As a small business owner, you don't always have access to the tax advice that bigger companies get. I've decided to put together a basic information pack for the small time business owner and employer, to give you a window into the savings you could be making. Good luck! Running […]


How To Find The Best Web Directories?

Adding your website to a web directory can increase visibility and bring in new traffic. But not all web directories are created equal. Web directories that are well regarded by Google will improve the search ranking of your page, but those that Google regards as spam sites can actually hurt […]

Small business

Importance of Language Interpreters in Conferences and Seminars

There are many different sorts of language interpreters who can complete the translation and interpretation process using various methods. The language translation and interpretation industry has been described in recent years using the terms "Globalization", "Internationalization", "Localization" and "Translation" which has led to the spread of the acronym GILT. The existence […]


How to Prepare for a Home Improvement Project

With a variety of instructional videos online for home improvement projects, you may be itching to start redesigning your living space. From replacing windows and doors with more energy-efficient versions to finishing the basement, home renovations can be a great way to increase the value of your home. Before you […]


Steps to Hire a Food Poisoning Attorney

Food poisoning is an extremely unpleasant experience, especially for individuals with weak immune systems, young children and the elderly. Over 48 million Americans contract food poisoning each year. Over 3,000 of them die from the illness. Viruses, bacteria and parasites found in food cause the majority of food poisoning cases. […]