Search Results for "Marriage"


Wedding Invitation Etiquette Wording

Wedding invitation wording can feel like you’re walking a tightrope. You’re trying to balance expressing yourselves as a couple, while at the same time honouring wedding tradition, particularly if you’re having a religious service. On top of that, and most importantly, you’re trying to provide all of the essential details […]

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Spiritually Responsible Living

Lisa is having a really difficult time letting go of her marriage despite knowing, as she says, that staying in the marriage is unhealthy for her. She is living separately from her husband and has been for a while, though she is hesitating on completing the processes that would make a […]


Legal Issues You Should Address for a Divorce Case

Divorce is an appalling procedure. A 2014 research demonstrated that America has a 53% divorce rate while Belgium has the most elevated rate at an amazing 70%. A few people choose to push through with a separation case in the wake of investing a long energy in their connections. One […]


Sexual Assault Prevention and Awareness for Women

Thousands of books, articles and editorials have been written concerning self-defense for women. It can be very confusing to sort through the many diverse strategies that are offered by leading experts. Some encourage resistance and some promote non-resistance. Some advise that resistive courses of action will deter predators and some […]

10 Awesome Gift Ideas For All
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11 Awesome Gift Ideas For All

Gifts are the main thing in a birthday party, marriage or any other special occasion of our near and dear ones. If you are invited to a birthday party then you will be thinking to take a spectacular gift which will amaze the birthday girl or boy. But it isn’t […]


Pilates – An Introduction

Most people have heard of pilates, but many do not know anything about it other than it is some type of exercise. Pilates is so much more than that, it is about health and wellness as well as a great exercise routine for anyone looking to get fit. For those […]


3 Tips for Organizing Your Destination Wedding

While a destination wedding can be a magical way to start off your married life with your new spouse, the actual planning of this event may seem to some to be a bit overwhelming. In addition to all the traditional aspects of a wedding, a destination wedding often involves quite […]


Tech Vision 2018 Trend: Frictionless Business

Companies can be in competition with each other in the form of strategic cooperation, and in the field of technology, these partnerships can see more growth and development at a faster rate than ever before. However, legacy business models were not designed to maintain expansion of this kind, and businesses […]