Search Results for "downside"


Reverse Mortgages 101

There are so many mortgage products on the market, it’s hard to keep all of the options straight. Reverse mortgages are one of the options that are a bit of a mystery to most people. This guide will provide an enlightening overview as to what reverse mortgages are, the options […]


5 Hoverboards That Actually Hover

When someone mentions hoverboards, the first image that pops in my mind is the hoverboard that can be seen in Back To The Future movies. Unfortunately the hoverboards that are currently available to the mainstream are far from that. They do not hover, they have two wheels that very much […]


Which Stone Countertop Should You Use?

There are very few pieces of equipment in your home which need to stand up to so much wear and tear as your kitchen worktop. You need your worktop to be durable, hard-wearing, low maintenance, whilst also being attractive at the same time, and that gives you a minor headache […]


Quartz vs Granite Worktops

If you are considering purchasing a new kitchen quartz worktop, and you’ve done any research into the issue at all, you will no doubt have heard about the ongoing debate between quartz and granite. Of course, there are other options out there, such as marble to name just one, but […]


Granite Worktops: Different Grades Explained

Choosing which kitchen worktop to go with is a difficult decision, but once you have narrowed your choice down you can look forward to a long-lasting result. If you have decided to go with granite for your new worktop then you have made a very hard-wearing and durable decision, but […]


The Impact of Shift Work on Health

This summer, Singapore Ministry of Manpower updated the Employment Act, which regulates everything related to the working hours in this country. Apart from the rules about the hours of work, the act also covers the rest days, as well as the overtime work. When it comes to the shift work, […]

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Pros and Cons of Online Dating

According to recent reports, online dating has gained momentum over the last few years. An estimated number of 40 million Americans have turned to online dating websites with high hopes of improving their love life. But before you take a plunge, you have to wonder whether it is worth it. […]