Search Results for "carbon footprint"


Make Your Garden a Wildlife Haven

The weather appears to be improving and Spring is in the air making it the perfect time to get outside in the fresh air to get our gardens in shape and ready for the warmer months ahead. If you are keen to welcome wildlife into your garden and create a […]


The Modern Sins of Bathroom Remodeling

Modern families are conflicted between environmental responsibility and comfort: there is always a more complex-or less attractive-alternative to our behaviors that would have a lesser impact on the planet. Bathroom remodeling is a very good example of this duality: the most luxurious products are also the ones that will consume […]

Data security

Cloud Backup-The Mecca of Cloud Services

Backing up the data has always been an elephant in the room for companies. Gradually companies have realized that without a secure backup, operations will suffer. The TBs of data generated every day is needed to be stored at a place that will provide not just quick access but also […]


How to Achieve an Eco-Friendly Fireplace

Conventional fireplaces can certainly heat up a home, but not in the most energy-efficient or eco-friendly manner. Although, you could try to have it replaced with a more energy-efficient model or have an insert built into the opening, you may not have the right finances at the moment to make […]


How Can Schools Become More Eco-friendly?

How Students and teachers help to address a sustainable future? In 1962, a book by author, Rachel Carson, Silent Spring, was credited with enabling the beginning of the environmental movement. "We stand now where two roads diverge. But unlike the roads in Robert Frost's familiar poem, they are not equally […]

Green tech Technology

How Solar Cells Are Manufactured

We are now in an era where there is great emphasis on limiting the carbon footprint whenever possible, and anything considered eco-friendly is ideally preferred compared to its predecessor. A big focus on reducing the carbon footprint lies within the energy industry. A big sign that governments and energy companies […]


Advantages of Cloud Computing for Business

Stop laughing, it's a serious statement! Cloud computing can offer many benefits to your business to help increase sustainability, efficiency and also cost reduction. Sustainability It's an important box to tick in a world that's becoming increasingly aware of the environmental impact that business practice can have - today, businesses […]