Search Results for "government"

Finance Loans

What is Medical Factoring?

Most people in the health care field have no knowledge about medical factoring and usually have never even heard of it. As a result, they may struggle with cash flow problems or try getting a loan to get over that next hump, when there was a readily solution available for them. Those […]

History Politics

Unbelievable Real Life Negotiations

Businesspeople often treat their negotiations as a matter of life and death, even when they really aren't. However, what would happen if the stakes were higher than a handful of jobs, the price of a majority stock option, or even the future of an entire company? Here are seven real-life […]


Viable Alternatives To Traditional Investments

If you're finding the tried and tested ways of growing your capital aren't offering the returns you're after why not try investigating in some of the following alternatives. Peer to Peer Lending By lending your money to other credit-worthy individuals you can earn a rate of interest that far outstrips […]


Chinese Ecommerce Sites Potentially Face Huge Tax Woes

E-commerce has radically changed the way retailers conduct business and how people shop for the products they both want and need. It has also forced government entities to reconsider the methods they use to tax online retail businesses, in the United States and globally, and China’s e-commerce market is bringing […]


Religion In Education: What Is Right?

When it comes to topics within education that provoke debate, faith schools are always bubbling away, with the occasional newsworthy event causing ripples at the surface (take the Deputy PM securing a place for his eldest son at a top-ranking Catholic comprehensive, for example). Here in the UK, faith schools […]


Health And Safety At The Workplace

For employees to work optimally, their safety must be assured. Safety at the workplace is an important aspect of work relations, and it is for this reason that most governments have put in place a legal framework that outlines the responsibilities of both employees and employers. The employer has to […]

Cardboard Waste

Should Your Business Buy a Baler?

Recycling cardboard and other waste has become a law in many countries, and businesses need to take proper action to minimize the time spent when dealing with such proceedings. Using an baler is a much more effective way to reduce a business' costs in terms of transportation and time. These […]