Search Results for "surgical procedures"


Laparoscopic Hysterectomy Surgery-Get to know!

A hysterectomy is a procedure, which is carried out using certain gynecological procedure, which involves the surgical removal of womb (uterus). Hysterectomy can be carried out a complete or partial in terms of kinds, which include both removals of the partial and complete uteruses from the body. This procedure is […]


Battle with Cancer-Types of Surgeries

Cancer, as we hear this term, it is obvious to feel the scare within, however, most of the forms of cancer is treatable provided it is diagnosed on time and treated without any delay. Generally the most common form of treating cancer is surgery. There are different types of surgery, […]


Regaining Control over Your Post-Baby Body

Ah… motherhood. It's a beautiful gift and something that is infinitely rewarding. That said, it is also, at times, bloody tough going and sometimes you feel like you're never going to get a good night's sleep again in your life. While you're struggling to get all the cleaning and cooking […]


Two Types of Safe Treatment for Varicose Veins

Development of varicose veins is common among Australian adults, both men and women. If your work involves you sitting or standing for long period of time, have an inactive lifestyle, or you're suffering from obesity, then you are at risk of developing varicose veins. Aging individuals and those with family […]


Overview : Types of Uterine Fibroid, Causes and Treatment

What are fibroids? Uterine fibroids (otherwise called fibromyomas, Leiomyomas or myomas) are developments made of smooth muscle cells that show up in the uterus during childbearing years. The developments are not threatening nor are they identified with growth, but rather they are delegated tumors. They are to a great degree […]