Search Results for "department store"


The Rise of the Body-worn Camera

Over the last few years, there has been a notable increase in the number of organisations, both public and private, that require their staff to carry body-worn cameras (BWC). As well as police forces and the military, there has been a rise in the number of private security personnel using […]

Way to Prevent Misuse of Aadhaar Number

How to Prevent Misuse of Aadhaar Card

Aadhaar has become a bludgeon for identity theft lately. If any fake person will have your Aadhaar number, he can easily create your e -Aadhar card and use it for malicious purposes. In fact, several cases have recently emerged where innocent people have faced the misuse of their Aadhaar details. […]


Performance Management System – A Technological Necessity!

Today’s corporate milieu is highly competitive, and effective strategic human resources are a key factor in deciding the long-term success of any organization in such an environment. Harnessing the power and hidden talent of your workforce can be a vital factor and help your small business gain a significant advantage […]


6 Ways How Cloud Computing Helps Boost Your Online Marketing

Cloud computing is one of the most significant digital marketing strategies that can boost your online marketing in numerous ways. It might have been around for some time, but businesses, especially small-sized ones, continue to underestimate it. Cloud computing can make processes more efficient, boost collaboration, and productivity while saving […]


Six Challenges Faced By Marketers

Staying on top of a competitive marketing landscape is a challenge every business faces. A lot is vying for audience’s attention, and with this much distraction, they can only focus on one brand for a limited time. The digital space is overflowing with content, making getting your content seen or […]