Search Results for "dental practice"


Setting Up an Archery Facility

Archery has evolved significantly over the years - from a skill for warfare and a mean of recreation in the earlier days to a tension-packed game in recent times. Since the demand for learning archery is increasing with every passing day, the need to set up more up-to-date facilities is […]


Plagiarism: A Plague in the Academic Arena

Plagiarism in the academic domain has long been despised because of unauthorized use of content from sources. Intentional plagiarism has meet difficult fates in the past starting from detention to expelling from the concerned institutes. It has been noticed in the past that scholars have resorted to plagiaristic practices due […]


Mastering English as a Second Language

Studying in a country where English is the native language could be hard for students who have other tongues. Majority of more than 375 million people speaking English as a native language are living in the United Kingdom and the United States. Incidentally, the UK and the US are the […]


Time Management Tips for Lawyers

The “Time” element means a lot to professionals, especially lawyers who manage innumerable clients, hearings, and in between fulfill the needs of their family and friends. Add the socializing component and you will know how difficult it must be to manage all the chores. In such a scenario where time […]


Unbeatable Ways of Drumming Up Your Business in 2013

In these hard economic times, many businesses are feeling the pinch and need extra clients to plug rising costs and falling revenue. Problematically, a decent marketing strategy to lure in these new clients costs money—meaning that businesses need to really examine how effective a marketing strategy will be and what […]


Why GMO Labeling is Important

GMO (genetically modified organisms) are organisms that have had their DNA altered through genetic engineering. Not all foods are genetically modified, but many of the staple food crops, including corn, soy, and wheat are overwhelmingly genetically altered. As GMOs have become more common in supermarkets, this has raised concern about […]


No Win No Fee Medical Negligence Claims

The term "medical negligence" is used for indicating the incidents where the mistakes committed by the medical practitioners cause the patients to suffer. The medical negligence cases are not so easy to deal with. The support and advices of a medical negligence solicitor is must to establish the claims for […]