Search Results for "basic plan"

Society & Culture

Making History Come Alive

Whether you’re a teacher or tour guide, conveying historical information is often difficult with certain groups. School groups and elderly day trips have vastly different backgrounds, for example. Teachers must make it a point to alter their teaching style to engage everyone. Teaching history isn’t just the job of educators; […]

Mobile devices

Smartphones and Sim Only Contracts

When you sit back and ponder about how life was without smartphones, you will come to know their worth. In fact, it is so hard to imagine life without them. They have indeed made life a lot easier. They have changed and improvised our social lives. Gone are the days […]

Travel and living

Top tips for avoiding jet lag

For seasoned travellers, jet lag is an unpleasant but often unavoidable experience. It can cause disturbed sleep patterns, poor concentration, confusion, hunger at inappropriate times or lack of appetite,irritability, weakness and disorientation. It occurs when your normal body clock is disrupted by traveling through several time zones and experiences daylight at what […]


Breeding Creativity in Education: Effective Implementation

One of the most talked about aspects of education is integrating creativity into the traditional classroom. It is being said that the traditional classroom suppresses the interactive and innovative learning possibilities of children. Therefore, newer methods brimming with creativity are being employed for imparting education to today's learners. Convergent and […]


Most Common Reasons Why a WordPress Website is Under-Performing

WordPress is the most popular web development platform for beginners. But many rookie web developers make mistakes with WordPress. Today, I'm going to identify common WordPress mistakes and explain how you can increase the speed, conversion rate, and responsiveness of any WordPress website. Here's why your WordPress site is underperforming: […]


Benefits of a Port a Bebè

It is noticed that mothers often complain about body pain when they have to carry their child for a longer period of time. It is not easy as it seems to be especially they have to stand in the queues or in crowded places. If you are looking for something […]

sunflower lecithin

Benefits of Sunflower Lecithin

One of the biggest medical unmet needs in the world today is treating neurological disease and brain traumas. Your brain is a complex series of over 15 billion neurons within the cerebral cortex alone. Research has shown the cortex plays a critical role in our memory, thought, speaking, and consciousness however science […]