Search Results for "attractive"


The Modern Sins of Bathroom Remodeling

Modern families are conflicted between environmental responsibility and comfort: there is always a more complex-or less attractive-alternative to our behaviors that would have a lesser impact on the planet. Bathroom remodeling is a very good example of this duality: the most luxurious products are also the ones that will consume […]

Beauty Nutrition

Beauty Comes from Health

The regular checkups The best cure for all diseases is prevention. Understanding the importance of visiting your doctor once in a while is your first step towards health and beauty at the same time. It's often said that beauty comes from confidence; but if you're not healthy, you won't care […]


Tutorial: E-book Publishing for Amazon Kindle

Self-publishing has become a popular trend that has provided a way for people to earn money online and become authors. Not only does self-publishing provide another way for people to earn extra income, but it also helps others share information, personal experiences, stories, imagination and more with people around the […]


Positive and Negative Effects of Alcohol on Sex

If you take alcohol, it can have some effects on you sex life of which some are positive while others are negative. There is a general misconception that alcohol is an aphrodisiac by acting as a social lubricant. Several studies conclude that alcohol enable some people in overcoming sexual inhibitions and […]


Types of Online Joint Ventures

Online promotion is a basic consideration for the success of any business. A considerable part of this success mainly depends on the business partners, in other words, the people you establish partnerships with. Co-operation represents one of the most important aspects because, as you know, two heads are always better […]