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Manufacturing Equipment and Profit Margins

From marketing prowess to innovative new ideas, all businesses strive for an intricate mixture of key products and services to see profits rise each quarter. A major part of any business’s success is reliable production equipment. If these machines cannot work efficiently almost 24 hours a day, profit margins decrease […]


How to Summarize Lectures Effectively in 6 Steps

Lectures are a dynamic and engaging way to transmit information, depending on the lecturer and the subject matter, of course. According to the University of Southampton, lectures usually have two main goals To first provide background information, so that students can situate the content in a relevant context. […]


Taking Control of the Reins in FX Risk Management

Many corporate treasurers face exposure to FX volatility on a daily basis. Whether their company foreign investments and borrowings or is importing and exporting goods and services from abroad, currency risk presents real and potentially severe financial dangers for those corporations who fail to develop effective strategies to minimize exposure. […]