Search Results for "helping people"


Content Marketing Ideas for Lawyers

From posting testimonials to using guest posts in exchange for links, there are plenty of ways lawyers can take advantage of content marketing for their practices. With the educational background and experience attorneys have, there are plenty of opportunities to put up original unique content to improve readership for your […]

Internet Marketing

The Complete Content Marketing Process

Not surprisingly, when it comes to content marketing content really is king. Finding the perfect blog or website to publish your content can be difficult and takes dedication and a bit of luck. However, there are a few tricks of the trade that make the content marketing process less complicated. […]


Why Stop Multitasking

Have you bought-in to one of the most prevalent, yet productivity-destroying myths in business today? Myth - Multitasking Increases Productivity You've seen it all around you and have probably done it yourself dozens of times today. What I am talking about is using your phone or computer to check into email […]


Need to Write a Winning Business Pitch?

The business pitch presents the ultimate communications paradox. On one side the presenter wants to tell the potential client everything they know about their subject. They want to woo them with their technical prowess and ensure that the potential client is in absolutely no doubt about their experience and expertise. On […]


SEO Services For Online Schools

Most colleges don't venture into the use of SEO services and if they do, they are most likely to use local SEO. Changes in the economy are causing universities to reconsider their practices. People are getting cut from financial aid, jobs are down, and the desire for education is up. […]


Mannequins: Always in Style

They’re the first thing that springs to mind when picturing a shop window display. Ever since the mid-1800s, mannequins have been an essential part of selling fashion. Starting off as wire-framed body shapes and progressing to the ultra-realistic figures we see today, they have performed a key role in the development of […]