Search Results for "students' minds"


7 Tips for Being a Great Mentor to Women

Being a great mentor means being able to lead and inspire a group of people that are going into the career defining moments of their lives. Women for years have been faced with defacement, humility and struggle in the quest for the promotion of equality. They are not only in […]

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Are Case Studies an Effective Way to Study?

There are different sorts of students all around the world. Many students are inductive learners while others are deductive ones. The difference between the two is basically how they understand and approach a certain academic course based on the way they think. Inductive learners are usually the ones who learn […]


How Technology is Transforming Classroom Education

Unlike the pre-technology era, when everyone was more than satisfied with the classic one-to-all teaching approach, the world of education has undergone a drastic change with the advent of technology. Students aren't as nervous about being bullied at school or making new friends at college as they are about carrying […]