Search Results for "house buyer"

Real estate

The DO's and DON'Ts of House-Hunting

Planning is important especially if you are hunting for your dream home. You can't just pick newspaper ads in random or click on banners around the web and visit the houses you've seen online or offline as soon as you're available. Not only does it consume a lot of energy […]

Real estate

How to Prepare your House for Sale

The world wide property market is finally picking up after a few sluggish years where prices dropped and people were not able to buy or sell, trapped in houses they no longer loved or were willing to invest in. With things now picking up it is advisable to best prepare […]


Multi Family Technology Trends Of 2017

The multi family technology is witnessing tremendous changes due to numerous trends that are being accepted in this sector. Technology has set free a wide range of options for potential buyers and sellers. Over the past few years, the demand for multi family technology has increased leaps and bounds. Also, […]


Online Rental Marketplace: 5 Challenges to Overcome in 2023

The growing preference among customers for renting over buying products and services is driving up demand for online rental marketplace businesses. It all began with Airbnb, a peer-to-peer service that provided consumers with a chance to locate inexpensive housing and experience various cultures firsthand. Following that, there has been a […]