Search Results for "guideline"

Travel and living

Moving in With a New Roommate

Student life might be very stressful, especially when one has to face moving from the hometown at very delicate age in order to get to the college. College can be quite an adventure, a new experience that can bring joy, fun, new friendships, opportunity to gain new skills and to […]


Medical Research Involving Children

Scientific research has resulted in notable advances in cancer treatment for children. Conducting research, involving children, requires adhering to numerous ethical challenges whether it involves human subjects or human tissues from biobanks. One major ethical issue is obtaining informed consent. Parents of critically ill children are under tremendous stress, compromising their ability to […]

Social media

How to Use Social Media in Job Search

Today, when it is everything about technologies and internet, there are very few people that have no accounts in at least one social media service. Thus, it has already become a part of job search for most people, especially after LinkedIn was introduced. One of the most useful places to […]


Embracing Fitness to Become The Best You

Whether it's lusting over that toned stomach after another round of crunches, losing some weight just in time for your holiday, or building up leg muscle for that marathon you signed yourself up for in moment of spontaneity, we all have something we want to improve about our body. There […]


Tips for Entering the Medical Profession

If you are medically inclined and like to opt for this profession, there are certain guidelines you need to abide by. Moreover if you are a woman and love to take care of others, particularly children, getting a nursing job is just the thing for you. Have you really made […]


7 Tips for Buying Your First Family Car

Taking care of your family requires some serious work. Any decision you make should be carefully thought - it's like doing magic, especially when it comes to managing your budget. You always need to come up with some kind of a trick in order to have enough money for everything. […]