After a long conversation with one of my dear friends that was having problems placing an order on a shopping website, I decided to write a short ‘fashion online store’ buying guide.
This guide applies to pretty much any similar online store, so it should make your life easier if you are trying to buy clothes online for the first time (in which case you should learn more about how to shop online safely).
Fashion Stores Online: Ordering and Payment Guide
Shopping online is great fun, ask any fashionista if you don’t believe me. However, to get the most out of the experience, you need to know the rules that guide the ordering and payment system at your favorite fashion house. Read on to learn more about the steps you need to follow.
Take into Account the Sales Tax
When you order online, the shop will usually add all applicable sales taxes to your purchases. This might not be the case when your purchases are to be shipped abroad, when you will have to declare your purchase and pay your taxes locally.
Payment Options
Store Credit, Gift Cards, PayPal, American Express, Discover, MasterCard and Visa payments are usually available payment methods at online stores. Direct bank transfers, money orders or personal checks are not regular payment methods so it’s best to be prepared with suitable credit on other accounts mentioned.
Measurements and Size Charts
To get more comprehensive information about the store's size and measurement charts, you should visit the Size Guide on their official website. This Guide gives clear general information about the different sizes. Anyhow, in case you have more specific questions about measurement guidelines or the fit of a particular item of clothing or accessory, you can also get in touch with the Customer Care department through the address listed on their official website.
Carting Items
While viewing a particular item on the Product Details page, you can add it to your cart. Just select your size then specify the quantity you need. After that, click the "Add to Cart" button and proceed to check out.
Placing Orders
Once your item is added to the cart, the website will prompt you to review you Shopping Cart. At this juncture, you can review all the items in the tote, update the quantities, remove some items and/ or return to the Product Details page. When you are done reviewing the items, you have the option of proceeding to checkout to place your order or continuing shopping.
The Check Out
When you click the Check Out Now button in the Shopping Cart, the system will ask you to click ‘Continue' (if you don't have an account) or sign into your account.
The system will then ask clients with no account to enter their billing address information. In case you wish to pay by credit card, ensure that the billing address you give exactly matches the address that your credit company. Once you confirm that your billing address matches your ‘ship to' address, you can go on to the next step. Alternatively, you should click ‘Edit' to edit your shipping address as required.
Next, you should choose your preferred shipping method for delivery. To complete your order, review the order totals and enter in your payment information. Finally, click the ‘Complete Order' button. The system will give you an order number and automatically send you an email confirmation with the order details.
All Done: Your Dream Fashion Item Will Reach You Shortly!
Hope you enjoyed this short guide at least a fraction of how much you will enjoy shopping online, and who knows, one day maybe we will be shopping at your online store, but that’s the topic for another short guide.
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