Search Results for "graphics"


Online Merchandising Strategies

Building a profitable and scalable e-commerce business requires flexible merchandising and an effective infrastructure. Flexible merchandising (delivering value and quality in meeting customer needs) is covered in this article. Effective infrastructure (building efficient processes to create the information required for flexible merchandising) is covered later in the article. Flexible Merchandising […]


Basic Business Planning Strategies

There are a number of reasons why planning is necessary: 1. The future is not an extension of the past. 2. The rate of change in the marketplace will continue to accelerate. 3. Technological progress is taking place at an extraordinary rate. 4. Regulatory issues require constant attention. 5. Population […]

Mobile devices

Top Smartphones in 2014 [Video Reviews]

The world of technology took a different turn a few years ago with the introduction of smartphones. These gadgets have not only made it possible to achieve multiple functions on the same device, but have also improved connectivity and socialization. Giant mobile developers have taken up the challenge of developing […]


Customer Segmentation in Magento

The golden rule of marketing says that in order to be successful in business you first need to know what kind of message about your products you want to convey and who is the receiver of your message? E-marketing strategists are well aware of this rule, but they have come […]


The Advantages of an HMI for a Control System

Human Machine Interface, or HMI as it is also known is an interface between the machine and its user. An interface can include items such as MP3 players, household appliances, industrial computers and office equipment. However, an HMI is very specific to manufacturing and process control systems. It provides a […]


Out-of-the Box Wi-Fi Technologies for Eating Joints

Over the years, the growth of Wi-Fi technologies seems to change the way the cafes and bistros function and conduct their business activities. Since these technologies are available in the market, the top notch eateries drastically incorporate new things and discard the age-old practices. Various conveniences that were unthinkable previously, might […]


Recommended Notebooks for 2014

You’ve heard all the hype about how smartphones and tablets are taking the technology world by storm, how internet-reliant netbooks and portable devices are rendering the traditional computer obsolete, and how the golden age of laptops is behind us. However, the laptop is far from dead. Sure, we’re not as […]

Marketing SEO

The Best Link Building Strategies for 2014

Over the last years, SEO has turned to a never-ending headache for internet marketers, entrepreneurs and business owners looking to promote their websites online. Adopting a solid and white hat SEO strategy can minimize their efforts to keep up with the regular algorithmic changes made by search engines like Google, […]