Search Results for "training books"


Google Is Getting Physical

Google is one of the biggest companies in the world. It’s worth more than one trillion dollars, and has become part of our everyday lives. When we search for something on the internet, we “Google” it. Unless you have an iPhone, you’re interacting with Google-made software every time you use […]


How are Class 9 and 10 NCERT Solutions Helpful?

The National Council of Educational Research and Training is the full name of NCERT. It is a self-governing body of the Indian government that was established on September 1, 1961, as a literary, scientific, and charitable society under the Societies Registration Act. Students should be familiar with the syllabus from […]


Five Misconceptions about the CCIE Certification

The Cisco CCIE certification has long been highly respected and considered as the equivalent doctorate in the networking expertise. The CCIE certification is an expert-level technical certification and is highly recommended for students with three to five years of the Cisco networking experience. Due to the difficulty of the level […]

Society & Culture

Appreciating Art for a Richer Life

Focusing on art can help you develop a better perspective by giving you a different lens through which to view history, politics, science and the human condition. In addition to helping you learn more about the world around you, giving art a prominent place in your life can bring about […]


HR Outsourcing: 5 Common HR Functions You Can Outsource

The HR work cannot be understated. Human resource professionals bring in new talents to the company, train employees, develop policies, process payroll, and organize employment engagement activities, among other roles. Everything that is linked to the workforce falls under the responsibility of the human resources department. Since HR practitioners carry […]


Tips To Beat the Slowdown in the Hotel Industry

When the economy is in a whirlwind and there is uncertainty about job security and the foreseeable economic future, spending habits change. Families and individuals adjust their budgets and limit their traveling spend to save for the future. The recent turn of events has proven that recessions and other types […]


Things No One Tells You About Nursing School

Becoming a nurse is one of the most secure and rewarding career paths in all of America thanks to how more citizens have access to health insurance and how the average population is continuing to age, meaning more people require medical assistance. With that in mind, becoming a nurse and […]


7 Solutions to Inventory Management Challenges

Any organization that holds inventory or stock is bound to face some inventory management challenges. The international trading landscape is continually changing and is more uncertain than ever. Problems like fluctuating demands, quality control, and human errors are common in inventory control, and the same must be managed so that […]