Search Results for "head moves"


Top 7 SEO Trends to Rank Your Website in 2020

Ranking on Google is just like a grand board game, where Google is the game master knowing the rules. But you can observe how the pieces (websites) move across the board, and place your own pieces making random moves, then observe how your pieces respond. The more moves you make, […]

Social media

How To Avoid Demonetization On YouTube

It’s the ultimate nightmare for content creators on YouTube: You pour your heart and soul into a video, you spend hours editing it, and you get paid nothing for it. You could have millions of views on your video, and yet the platform refuses to pay you a penny. They’ve […]


5 Hot Technologies for 2020

We are approaching fall and the year will soon come to an end – just as technological trends come and go. Come 2020, some of today’s trends may fade away, while some other trends that went unnoticed until now could jump into the spotlight. It’s hard to tell what’s going […]


Things You Need to Know About Rummy Games

The gaming industry has been growing at a steadfast pace, and so is the demand for online cash games. Millennials, as well as the Generation-Z, are actively attracted to online games that offer ludicrous cash awards to get those extra bucks. Rummy is one such game that rewards well if […]


4 Phases of a Narcissistic Relationship

You just scheduled an appointment with Roberson’s Plumbing and Septic to fix your leaky faucet when you get a call from your partner. They seem agitated with you, and you aren’t sure where it’s coming from. Yet, you’ve noticed they’ve changed over the last few weeks. They used to be […]


Breaking Down the Differences Between IaaS, PaaS, and SaaS

Cloud computing offers many benefits to modern businesses looking to improve productivity and cost-effectiveness. When trying to shift your business towards the cloud, you have three types of cloud services to choose from. These include: PaaS (Platform as a Service) SaaS (Software as a Service) IaaS (Infrastructure as a Service) […]


The Benefits of Software Outsourcing

Outsourcing software development has emerged as a key global trend in today’s digital world. According to the Global IT Outsourcing Market Report, the IT outsourcing industry is estimated to grow at a CAGR of 4.42% from 2018 to 2022. Companies are no longer outsourcing software solely for budgetary reasons. Rather, […]


Google’s Algorithm Updates of the Decade

SEO is all about getting noticed online so that whatever you are selling – be it content, products or services – can be noticed so that you make your profits (whether monetary or recognition). Every SEO tactic and strategy has been developed around one thing, how search engines work. And […]