Search Results for "exposing"


Emerging Technologies in the Australian Courts

The growth of technology has created an expansion in the fields of knowledge which are the subject of ‘expert evidence’ in the Australian courts. Experts are now regularly called upon to give opinions about advancing technologies including encryption, and digital innovations like Bitcoin. While witnesses can only generally testify about […]


Forex Trading Tools You Ought to know

Just as any profession goes hand-in-hand with the necessary tools, in order to become a successful forex trader, you need to equip yourself with the right tools. At the top of the list of these tools is the forex news economic calendar. What is the economic calendar? An economic calendar […]


Why You Need to Recycle Your Car

There are roughly 12-15 million vehicles that make their way to come under the category of junk car every year because of a number of reasons like engine failure, old age or crash damage. Owing to the fact that any standard car contains around 65% iron and steel by weight […]

Society & Culture

The #MeToo Movement

Did you know that an American is sexually assaulted every ninety-eight seconds? This equates to three hundred twenty-one thousand rape victims a year. According to the Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network (RAINN) – only three hundred ten of one thousand rapes are reported to the police. Fifty-seven of which […]


Grolltex: From Founding to Future

Grolltex has found a way to do something incredible: produce graphene at a low cost with a fast turnaround. Graphene, one of the strongest and most conductive metals on Earth, is an important substance that will change the future. With principles originally honed at the University of San Diego, Grolltex […]