Search Results for "commute"


Keeping Productive while Working

We’ve all been there; you wake up, set off for work thinking “I’m going to be really productive today!”, sit at your desk…and the motivation to even so much as begin working simply isn’t there. Maybe it’s a big project that will require a lot of time and focus, or […]


A Nursing Student’s Guide to Maintaining Work-Life Balance

Striking a healthy study-work-life balance is a difficult task for nursing students. It becomes even more challenging during the current times of uncertainty. Since the COVID-19 pandemic, most nursing staff and students find themselves working harder than ever before. Consequently, a rising percentage of nursing professionals feel overwhelmed, frustrated, and […]

Real estate

What are the demands of modern home buyers?

In modern times, the millennial generation is the most dominant consumer in the house hunting market and they are very sensitive when it comes to buying a house. Most of the real estate buyers are young professionals who have unique lifestyles and choices in terms of real estate properties. If […]


The Sharing Economy Explained

These days, it’s fairly common for the sharing economy to be mentioned in the news. It’s often talked about as something that can change the way we live and work. But what exactly is the sharing economy? Because no single definition exists, any discussion about it usually leads to a […]

Real estate

How To Choose the Right Home in Florida

Are you planning on moving to Florida? There are lots of people who enjoy moving to Florida because of the beautiful weather, favorable tax advantages, and employment opportunities. At the same time, you need to find a house. As you take a look at the list of Maitland FL homes […]