Search Results for "behavioral"


Benefits of an Adjustable Gastric Balloon

According to a study by the American Cancer Society, obesity expands the risk of a person getting a minimum of thirteen types of cancer. The research also revealed that bad nutrition, excessive alcohol, lack of exercise, and body fat added to one of every five cases of cancer. Becoming more […]


Can Psychotherapy Help Me?

Psychotherapy is a collaborative treatment or talk therapy where you work with a psychologist to help you face the challenges ahead of you. You sit down with a therapist and discuss changes that you can make to improve the direction of your life. This therapy is similar to counseling. However, […]


Ways to Address Drug Abuse in the Community

There are numerous reasons why people take drugs. They may be using them for recreational purposes or to manage pain. When it comes to managing pain, these pills get consumed in a controlled manner before being discontinued. Taking drugs is inherently not wrong but becomes an issue when drugs get […]


Natural Researched Ways to Overcome Drug Addiction

There indeed is a history of people using natural methods to overcome addiction without any clinical intervention. However, it still remains crucial to always consult with a doctor or therapist before embarking on a course of treatment to manage your addiction or withdrawal syndrome. Different natural remedies, both herbs and […]


How Anyone Can Overcome Drug Addiction

It may start with a few beers or a pill to ease your pain. You know addiction is a possibility, but never think it can happen to you. You have everything under control, until you don’t. This script plays out over and over with different characters and substances. However, it’s […]