Search Results for "seek advice"


How to Choose a Good Institute for PMP Training

The Project Management Professional (PMP) is a credential offered by the Project Management Institute (PMI). The credential is the single most important industry-recognized certification for project managers. It is so important because it shows employers and potential employers that you have all of the education, experience and competency that is […]


How to Go about Your Amputation Claim

Losing a limb to an accident can be a life changing incident. It takes a toll not only on the physical abilities of the injured but also have a serious impact on the psychology. However, with proper treatment and adequate support, one can still live a productive life. If you […]


Surprising Myths about Adoption

There are many myths about both the fostering and adoption process that preclude families from getting involved. With more than 400,000 children in the foster care system, it's important to debunk these myths so that more people are ready to open their hearts and homes to children desperately seeking a […]

Real estate

Buying Your First Home

Purchasing your first home is one of the most important steps you’ll ever take. It involves a lot of legwork, and often a fair amount of stress along the way. By knowing how best to go about buying your first home, you can be sure to make the process as […]


Document Scanning & The Paperless Office

Despite the fact that we live in the digital era, many of us still rely on traditional ways of storing information. Every year we use more than 12.5 million tonnes of paper and cardboard, a large percentage of which consists of printed e-mails, business documents, and filing and storage systems. […]


What Factors Affect Your Workers’ Productivity?

There are many factors that are said to affect your workers productivity, many of which have had studies conducted supporting the ideas including; temperature, other co-workers, job role, office hours, office facilities, the amount of space and whether they have their own working area or are working in an open […]


Stammer Your Way To Success

A stammer is a speech disorder, four times more common in boys than in girls, which involuntarily impacts the flow of speech. Like fingerprints, no two individuals who stammer are the same. It is typically first identified in children between the ages of three and five, with over 90 per […]


Taxes and Bankruptcy in the News

Not long ago the comedian known as Sinbad (a.k.a David Adkins) filed for bankruptcy. ABC News reports that Sinbad failed to pay state and federal taxes in the past and, as a result, was forced to seek bankruptcy protection. This will be Sinbad's second bankruptcy filing, the first one occurring […]


Best Times to Purchase Life Insurance

The best time to purchase life insurance is when you are young. And you aren't getting any younger, so there's no time like the present. The younger you are, the cheaper your package will be. The main question for buying life insurance is whether or not you need it. Chances […]


How Can Schools Become More Eco-friendly?

How Students and teachers help to address a sustainable future? In 1962, a book by author, Rachel Carson, Silent Spring, was credited with enabling the beginning of the environmental movement. "We stand now where two roads diverge. But unlike the roads in Robert Frost's familiar poem, they are not equally […]