Search Results for "suitable chemicals"


How To Take Care Of Your Gemstone Jewelry?

Beautiful additions to jewelry, gemstones are ancient colorful treasures. They fascinate us with their varied colors, shape, and brilliance. The beauty of the gem is such that it adds persona to the jewelry piece. And like any other beautiful creation, a gemstone also needs maintenance. To cherish their sparkle for […]


How To Find The Best Moisturiser For Your Skin Type

While everyone should moisturise, not all moisturisers are made equal. In reality, the type of moisturiser you use–and how frequently–depends on whether you have sensitive, normal, dry, oily, or mixed skin. Don’t know what your skin type is? A few simple techniques to get to know your skin type better […]


Transporting Artwork Safely

A work of art needs special care and attention. Whether you are an art collector, painter, interior decorator or gallery owner, transportation of artwork is crucial. You can buy an art piece from anywhere around the world. But, unless it reaches you safely, in perfect condition, the effort is simply not worth it. Many collectors tend to overlook transportation issues before buying artwork. In fact, multiple aspects must be considered before moving art from one place to the other. Without proper knowledge of artwork transportation, the piece can be permanently damaged. Avoid Inappropriate Handling of Artwork A painting, sculpture or any other artwork is not an ordinary parcel. Logistic companies with experience in this field can move such objects. You must find movers who understand the specific requirements of handling such pieces. A painting, for example, can be easily spoiled due to weather conditions, exposure to smoke from cigarettes, varied chemicals, fragrance, food, etc. So, your logistic partner must have an idea about things that matter. Inappropriate handling may also result in tears, breakages or loose ends. All these things tend to erode the value of your artwork. Besides, fingerprint marks, damp air or poor packaging can affect the quality of the artwork. Strong light also has an adverse effect on some pieces. Therefore, being aware of these dangers can save you a lot of trouble. Proper Packaging For Paintings Art cannot be wrapped and shipped in […]


Revamping Your Home Décor with Glass Tiles

The home décor industry has revolutionized overtime bringing outrageous and mind-blowing introductions to test its expertise. Similarly, interior designers have started being creative with glass tiles recently. But you’re most probably wondering how glass, an extremely fragile material, be used to line floors and walls? You can even break it […]


Environmental Protection in Oil and Gas Industry

Before an oil company can start with construction, drilling or modification of onshore oil and gas production fields, it needs to obtain approvals from various government agencies. In addition to building and drilling permits, legal hurdles include air emissions, discharges to surface water systems, injection activities, impact on the threatened […]


Tips to Help You Avoid Having Oily Skin

Having oily skin will make you lose confidence. You start feeling conscious of your appearance especially if there is a significant event. The problem is that when you leave home during the day, you are oil-free. You feel confident about meeting other people. As the day progresses, you start feeling […]