Search Results for "consuming coffee"

Home & family

5 Green Trends You Shouldn’t Ignore

With only Earth to call home, people are turning to environmentally friendly methods and products to do their part for the planet more often. Over 30 percent of builders are focusing on eco-friendly homes with over half of their projects focused on sustainability. This article focuses on 5 sustainable trends […]


Best Food for Weight Loss During Summer

Want to appear great in your hot pants or swimsuits this summer? You don't have to go for a wacky diet and starve for that. Instead, select healthy foods on a regular basis to absorb fewer calories. During summer days, it is easier for you to make healthy food choices, as […]


Becoming an Energy Efficient Business

For many businesses, energy efficiency is one of those time-consuming, zero-return activities which are the first to be abandoned whenever the phone rings. Though this is understandable, the truth is that most businesses could affect at least a 10% saving via low-cost, and no-cost, means. Translated into balance-sheet figures, a […]

Nutrition Science

The Science Of Nutrition

The simplest questions, they say, require the most complicated answers. It’s this premise that has occupied American author Elton Alvaro for more than two decades. Alvaro made the kitchen his laboratory, breaking with traditional thinking and taking a scientific approach to questions ranging from what makes souffles rise (and fall) […]