Search Results for "environmental friendly"


Need to Write a Winning Business Pitch?

The business pitch presents the ultimate communications paradox. On one side the presenter wants to tell the potential client everything they know about their subject. They want to woo them with their technical prowess and ensure that the potential client is in absolutely no doubt about their experience and expertise. On […]


Plants that Keep Pests Away

One organic and environmentally friendly way to reduce pest infestations in your home is by using the right plants. Not only do they lookg great, but they have natural defenses that are the bane of annoying bugs. Use these 5 plants repel bugs and enhance your home’s look as well. Citronella […]


How To Wrap Your Parcel

When travelling through a parcel delivery network, your parcel will be handled several times as it is loaded on and off vehicles, conveyor belts and aircrafts-it's during these shipping processes that that your parcel will experience small impacts, compressions, bumps, jolts or vibrations in transit. As the shipper, it's up […]


Which Window Frame: UPVC, Aluminium Or Wood?

When the Irish winter overstayed its welcome this year and bullied its way into spring, home insulation once again became a hot topic among homeowners. One of the best ways to insulate your home is to install double glazed windows, but what material should you choose for your window frame? […]


How LED Bulbs Can Improve Your Home Life

The energy efficiency of the LED bulb has earned it many fans and plaudits since becoming a major player in the lighting market. As of 2012, the LED held a 12% market share. Whilst it is still trailing behind its older brother, the halogen bulb, it is predicted that by […]

Bathroom Remodelling Mistakes

Bathroom Re-modelling Mistakes

A well-designed bathroom will not only raise the monetary value of your house, but will also improve your daily quality of life. As it will become the most used room in your home, it’s important you avoid the common bathroom design mistakes that can lead to it being the most […]

Home & family

Tips for a Green Life

Most people these days genuinely want to live greener and reduce their environmental footprint, but many are not sure exactly how to fit a green life into such a modern fast paced existence without sacrificing a whole lot. The good news is that there are many simple ways to help […]