Search Results for "approach basic"


Blind Spot Safety: A Few Things to Know

Let’s be honest. Blind spots are called “blind” for a reason. You, as a driver, ought to know this more than anything else, in general. But in case you don’t, we will try and introduce this basic driving sense to you for your own (as well as others’) driving safety. […]


How to Do Cell Phone Monitoring Of Your Child

For some parents, the comfort of keeping eye on where their children are consistently is all that anyone could need to permit the cost of a mobile. Almost 90% of youngsters today want a mobile that is less than 16 years old. However, as with whatever else, mobile phones accompanied […]


Is your workforce ‘future-ready’?

Every once in a while, a new innovation comes along that actually changes the way we work. As we become more digitally inclined and new technologies continue to support industries globally, the willingness to quickly adapt the ‘new’ has become more critical than ever. This holds true and assumes relevance […]


How To Effectively Prioritize Your Mobile App

In a bid to successfully create effective mobile apps, many corporate technology teams appear to be falling all over themselves. They outsource their app development projects to outside experts due to the scarcity of internal talent. But could this be a misplacement of focus? Generally, mobile apps are categorized […]


What Does it Take to Qualify for a Home Loan?

When you apply for a Home Loan, the bank looks at your earnings, your liabilities, expenses, your job stability, and more. It’s also important to note that salaried applicants are favoured more than self-employed applicants because of the perceived assurance of a steady income. Besides this, factors like age and […]