Search Results for "contracts"

Home & family

Types of Businesses Every Homeowner Can Use

Homeowners frequently need help from professionals to take care of important tasks in their home. While some homeowners may use services like a housekeeper, a landscaper or a pool care provider, other homeowners handle basic tasks on their own and don't bring in outside assistance. However, even the most ardent do-it-yourselfer does, […]

Real estate

The Benefits of a Real Estate Lawyer

Buying a home can be expensive enough, so the last thing that you want to do is add even more numbers to the equation by hiring a real estate lawyer. But looking into real estate lawyers will be money well spent during the home buying process and can also buy […]


Steps of the Life Settlement Process

Firstly, what is life settlement? According to, "Life settlements involve the sale of a life insurance policy by the policy owner to a third party. Increasingly, senior citizens engage in life settlement contracts because this seems appropriate, based on their personal financial goals. Often, the decision to sell a life insurance […]

Society & Culture

Do Celebrities and Art Really Mix?

Art in the Western world has had a long tradition of creating portraits or sculptures of famous people. Even before the Renaissance created an explosion of art that has continued undiminished, wealthy nobles, kings, queens and even religious figures such as powerful cardinals had their portraits painted by famous artists. […]


How Does a Business Stay Ethical in Hard Times?

The Guardian recently ran a story on The Co-operative Bank, asking the question: “when does an ethical business stop being ethical?” Co-op Bank, after all, just shocked its bondholders twice, first by asking them to absorb losses as Co-op Bank prepared to put its shares on the stock market for […]