Search Results for "additional cash"

Data security

How to Prevent Mobile Payment Theft and Fraud

The mobile payment trend is on the rise, as more customers are using their smartphones to pay their bills and cover day-to-day expenses. Despite the fact more people are using the technology, an eDigitalResearch study of 2,006 consumers in April 2013, found that 52% of consumers have security concerns, and 40% […]


The Benefits of a Bread Machine

Bread has been a huge part of the staple diet for humans for thousands of years, and is eaten worldwide in loads of different variations and made with many different recipes, from flat pita style breads to crusty and floury Ciabattas to fluffy white loaves of English bread. The huge […]

Small business

Financial Trends for Small Business Owners

With the ever changing face of technology, enterprises are increasing their performance and operational efficiency and especially in an outsourced basis. And although this might seem an easy task, it is through leveraging the latest top financial trends that the enterprises have been in a position to open up a […]


Different Types Of Life Insurance Policies

There are many different types of life insurance policies that you can choose from based on your needs. Insurance companies understand that no two people are identical and that life situations vary from person to person. Because of these facts, it is always very important to shop around and examine […]