Search Results for "priorities"

Business Leadership

Steps to Mental Fitness Achievement

Being optimistic is not just a common fact, you also feel positive and confident. This article is on the best exercises for mental fitness and positive thinking. The more you practice and think this way, the better for your positive daily attitude. 1. Think about the future One of the […]


Why Stop Multitasking

Have you bought-in to one of the most prevalent, yet productivity-destroying myths in business today? Myth - Multitasking Increases Productivity You've seen it all around you and have probably done it yourself dozens of times today. What I am talking about is using your phone or computer to check into email […]


Why Social Care Is a Recession-Proof Career

When the recession hit several years ago, there was a large amount of speculation about how long it would last and the scale of its severity. Since then, economies across Europe have fallen into a state far worse than that predicted by the majority of analysts with many commentators referring […]