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Advantages of Authentic Maple Syrup

Who would have thought tree sap could taste so good? It does if you eat the right kind. Authentic, pure maple syrup is a product of eastern North America, harvested in places like Quebec, Vermont, and Pennsylvania. As an export, it is famous among Asian and European countries where tourists […]


Coping with Winter-Simple Survival Strategies

Most people who live in the northern hemisphere dread the onset of winter. The cold weather, the short days and the dreaded flu all contribute to a feeling of gentle gloom. The Blues Some people also are affected by Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD)-this is due to shorter natural daylight during […]


Dos & Don’ts of Basic Care For a Sensitive Skin

What exactly is the dermatological definition of “sensitive skin”? In layman's terms, it is skin that gets flushed, itchy, red and inflamed easily, due to genetics, environmental factors like cold and pollution in the air and water, or due to the use of wrong products. Sensitive skin can have a […]


How Society Influences Our Eating Habits

America has an unfortunate reputation as the world's fattest nation. It's not because everyone has an aversion to low calorie meals. Scientists have put forward a number of theories in the past, including blaming McDonald's, the government, and schools. One area few people rarely explore is how society influences our […]


Reasons to Stop Drinking Soda

We all know that sugary drinks are a serious obesity threat. There are many reasons to give up drinking soda, even the diet variety. At the very least, make it a rare occasion. Here are just a few. It’s Bad For Your Teeth As any dentist will tell you, soda […]


Necessary Equipment for a Swimming Pool

Pools can be used for therapy, exercise or leisure. It is really important to keep your pool clean and bacteria free. Routine pool maintenance prevents the appearance of germs and bacteria that may cause infectious diseases and harm people's health. There are various ranges of chemical and non-chemical products and […]


The History of Lip Gloss

Lip gloss from moist to shiny, has a long, colorful and rich history. Originally lip gloss was created by Max Factor the inventor of makeup back in the early 1900's as a quick fix application to help make actresses lips more moist and shiny to save time in creating the actress […]


Are Vitamin Fortified Foods Safe?

If you look around, you will notice that many food manufacturers are promoting new, healthier, vitamin fortified versions of their products. This is leading many people to wonder if these foods are a viable substitute for other healthy eating practices. Are vitamin fortified foods really safe? Read on to learn […]

Health Nutrition

Benefits of Cooking Your Own Food

It’s no secret that America is a fast food nation. It’s also not hard to look at our dismal national health statistics and connect the dots. While plenty of people are trying to make a change, there are quite a few challenges to overcome. One common trap is the assumption […]