Search Results for "printer"


The Best Tools for Aspiring Artists

Awesome monitor Anyone working on digital art needs a high-end computer monitor to display projects as accurately as possible. Look for a computer with good resolution, and a large screen. There are different monitors depending on working style, so dig in and do the research when buying your monitor. Software/apps […]

Neighborhood Too Noisy

Is Your Neighborhood Too Noisy? Add Music!

Not all of our neighborhoods can be as quiet and peaceful as we’d like. Even the least-busy streets are often populated with car horns honking, garbage trucks grinding and crashing, and people chatting loudly. Some streets, particularly those in urban areas, maintain a consistent ambient soundtrack of traffic and motion […]


The Biggest Manufacturing Facilities in the World

There are thousands of manufacturing facilities located throughout the world. Those facilities are listed on the Fortune Global 500 according to the revenue that are produced by those facilities, along with all of the top, global organizations (Source: Some of those organizations are outside of the manufacturing sector. In […]


Advantages of Mobile Point of Sales Systems

The need for a mobile point of sale system is becoming a necessity in the highly competitive hospitality industry. Businesses including restaurant ownership, retail management, hotel management, and others are recognizing the demand to keep up with technological advancements to maintain a competitive edge. Point of sale systems have become […]


Why Printing is Still Relevant

The relevance of printing is still significant despite technological advances in digital document technology. The concept of a paperless office is a myth and looks to remain so for a very long time. The reason behind this statement stems from the numerous advantages of paper over digital technology. The following […]


Becoming an Energy Efficient Business

For many businesses, energy efficiency is one of those time-consuming, zero-return activities which are the first to be abandoned whenever the phone rings. Though this is understandable, the truth is that most businesses could affect at least a 10% saving via low-cost, and no-cost, means. Translated into balance-sheet figures, a […]


Staying Tech-savvy on a Budget

An investment in technology is necessary for almost any business. Fortunately, the right investments will help save you money and run more efficiently. There is free software that can let you do almost anything you need to do, and refurbished equipment can let you use the latest hardware at a […]


Redesigning your Office Space to Increase Staff Morale

Office design can have a direct impact on staff morale which, in turn, will significantly increase productivity. By ensuring your working environment is attractive and well-maintained, your team will be a much happier, more motivated workforce, creating a positive company culture. Additionally, a well-designed office will create a professional impression […]


Real Dangers Come from Fake Car Insurance

Fake licenses, fake college degrees, and fake car insurance cards-the internet can come up with anything. These days, all it takes to come up with a convincing document are good photoshop skills and a printer, so more customers are falling for fake car insurance companies than ever before. While officials […]