Search Results for "current block"


How to Control Interruptions at Work

How much time do you lose each day to interruptions? Thirty minutes? An hour? Two hours? Are most or these interruptions of value? When you are interrupted, do you find that when you go back to what you were working on it takes almost as long to get back to […]


The Anatomy of a Compact Camera

Form factor is a primary consideration when shopping for a compact camera. Is it small enough to accompany you during your daily life? You’ve wasted your money if your point-and-shoot is at home on the dresser when your child takes his first steps at grandma’s house. These devices are intended […]


Types of Health Insurance Plans

Navigating through the terminologies used in health insurance industry and choosing the best health insurance plan can be quite difficult. The sheer number of different types of health insurance plans can easily get you confused. In this article we will explain it to you all the types of major health […]


How to Create a Restore Point in Windows 8

System Restore is a very useful feature in Microsoft Windows systems. It allows user to revert the computer to a state it was in a previous point in time. The restoration process is needed when, for example, a bad or uncertified software causes problems to the system or a bad […]


My Opinion about Jasmine Directory

Jasmine Directory is a “paid web directory” (this is widely accepted term even if every webmaster should understand that a suggestion fee is not equivalent with “guarantee of acceptance”, rather someone’s time and effort is paid), submitters need to pay a review fee in order to suggest a website. (there […]