Search Results for "propose"

Data security Software

Smoke Testing vs. Sanity Testing

When we talk about software testing, plenty of terms and testing methodologies will strike in your mind. You can use a wide range of testing techniques to ensure the quality of the software application you're developing, and Smoke Testing and Sanity Testing are two among the most misunderstood methods or […]

Other stories

The Biggest Ships on the Planet

Ships are immense pieces of technology, giant, floating testaments to mankind's great achievements in engineering and construction. They have achieved almost mythical prowess, like the white whale, and inspire awe among all who see them. They have granted humanity the ability to do something that would otherwise be impossible - […]


How Does a Business Stay Ethical in Hard Times?

The Guardian recently ran a story on The Co-operative Bank, asking the question: “when does an ethical business stop being ethical?” Co-op Bank, after all, just shocked its bondholders twice, first by asking them to absorb losses as Co-op Bank prepared to put its shares on the stock market for […]


How Technology is Helping to Drive More Safely?

Road Safety Week takes place between November 18th and the 24th, with thousands of organisations, schools and businesses taking part in initiatives and awareness events in a bid to educate people about road safety issues. It’s a valuable event which can make a real difference to people’s lives by making […]


How Organizations Build Domain Name Recognition

When nonprofit organizations and other community-based outreaches take their rising fundraiser needs online, they'll partake in the same process that every business does: registering their domain name. Unfortunately, the secondary portion of an organization resides within the brand recognition portion of their business. Below you'll find some nifty ideas to keep […]