Search Results for "Directed"


Guidelines on Setting Goals when Selling

A goal is “something toward which effort or movement is directed—an end or objective.” Customers’ goals always involve either achieving a positive result or avoiding a negative one. One of your primary sales responsibilities is to motivate customers to understand their goals. Making goals measurable provides customers with that motivation. Goals […]

Web design

Top 21 Free Magento Extensions

Magento Connect offers its customers more than 4500 extensions right now and the number of modules is also increasing with every passing day. However, at times it becomes very difficult for merchants to find the right free extensions to start up an online store. That is why; we have listed […]


Home Remedies for Head Lice

Head lice are often caught and spread by children but adults aren’t immune either. Once you feel a persistent itch in your scalp and feel something moving up there, the odds of head lice living upstairs are rather high. Fortunately, there are a lot of home remedies that you can […]

Marketing SEO

The Best Link Building Strategies for 2014

Over the last years, SEO has turned to a never-ending headache for internet marketers, entrepreneurs and business owners looking to promote their websites online. Adopting a solid and white hat SEO strategy can minimize their efforts to keep up with the regular algorithmic changes made by search engines like Google, […]


How to Install a Thermostat

Though the thermostat is essential to your home, it is often an ignored appliance until it no longer works. A broken thermostat will not regulate the temperature that is critical to maintain a comfortable living environment. In addition to causing discomfort, a broken thermostat wastes energy and can cause higher […]

Mr Clean - logo

Who is Mr. Clean-The Story Unfold

Do you know a person, who doesn’t know about Mr. Clean? Probably not. Who won’t remember the bald guy with the white shirt and earring? Since 1958 (the first TV appearance of Mr. Clean) this character became very popular and the most selling cleaning product on the market. It’s not […]