In 2006, Amazon stated that for every 100 milliseconds they speed up their website, they notice a 1% increase in revenue. After that, Google proclaims, to progress the web, that page speed was a deliberation in how they rank search results.
Besides, with such an extensive exercise of mobile devices worldwide, website speed is much more significant.
- According to a survey, 51% of online shoppers in the US state that site slowness is the top reason they move to another site.
- 46% of users will never use a poorly performing website again.
- You have 5 seconds to engage a customer before they leave your website.
- You have 2 Seconds for peak Load Time
- 74% of users will discard a website if it takes a more extended period to load.
Tips to Speed Up Your Website
Here are tons of factors that influence a site to load; here are several tips and suggestions you can utilize to speed up your website and improve user experience.
Implement content delivery network (CDN).
A collection of global surveys says that a website’s static files, such as CSS or JavaScript, and deliver from the server closest to the user’s physical location. Generally, when a user clicks on a video, the file loads faster since it is allocated from a server nearby. Larger websites implement CDNs to make sure the audience has a great accessible and fast experience.
Use adaptive images.
According to the HTTP records, 61 percent of a website’s page weight on a desktop computer is images. Start using tools, for instance, Picturefill or Adaptive Images, on your website to save bandwidth and develop page speed for the site. Another option is to implement new image formats like WebP and JPeg XR—this can help reduce image weight by twenty to fifty percent without decreasing image quality.
Browser caching stores cached versions of static resources, which quickens page speed immensely and decreases server lag. When a customer visits a page on your website, the cached version usually displays unless it has changed since it was last cached. It means the browser saves many requests to your server and improves load speed for your site.
Evaluate your plugins.
Plugins can bring new features to the website, but the more plugins the website has, the longer it takes to load. Flawed or deficient plugins can slow down website performance directly, which could be fixed by removing plugins.
Combine images into CSS sprites.
If the server has several images on a page, you are forcing multiple roundtrips of the server to secure all the resources, slowing down page speed. Sprites are the solution that combines all background images on a page into one idea, which means all photos are visible when the main “sprite” loads. This process decreases the flickering images and provides a smoother experience for the users.
Enable HTTP keep-alive response headers.
HTTP requests are easy: they grab a single file, distribute and close; this process is not always fast. Keep-alive permits the web browser and server to agree to use the same connection to grab and send multiple files. In other words, the server holds the link open while a user is on the site instead of opening a new connection with every request, easing the load for the processor, network, and memory.
Compress your content.
You can compress your content significantly to enhance the website’s performance. Popular web servers, for instance, Apache and IIS, use the GZIP compression algorithm to automatically do HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. There are even compressor services online that remove unnecessary spaces and characters across your HTML and CSS code.
Configure expires headers
When a customer visits the website, the site’s files are stored on their computer so that your website loads faster for them the next time they visit. An expiration date in the file header decides the period of the files on their computer, which is frequently set to 24 hours by default. You can configure the expired title so that the files never time out, or you can increase the expiration date so that it doesn’t impact your server and page load time.
Minify JavaScript and CSS.
Eliminating additional line breaks, extra space, and different stuff will speed up parsing, downloading, and executing. This easy activity can cut bytes of data from the page, and every little bit counts. Toolset like CSS Minifier/Compressor is beneficial in this kind of department.
Move Your Website to a New Managed WordPress solution.
If your website is loading slowly and gradually, you should consider a new hosting package.
A brand new Managed WordPress solution is released – designed primarily to provide the industry’s best-managed WordPress solution – with a specific aim at boosting client website speeds.
Author Bio: Ellie Singh is a Professional Web Designer and App Developer at She is a Rewarding Freelancer & Web Entrepreneur serving new entrepreneurs launch their first effective online business.