
The Advancements in Interventional Medical Devices is Saving Lives

Interventional devices have been and are being developed to address various ranges of therapeutic areas to help improve patient’s quality of life. Through the continuous development of innovative and advanced technologies, this helps the physician increase in positive outcomes of the patient’s health and is beneficial to both patients and physicians. The use of interventional medical devices not only reduces procedure time and the amounts of exam room visits, but it also promotes fast recoveries and reduces the number of hospitalizations in patients. It also helps prevent future surgeries, saving both the patient and hospital money. According to Shaheen E Lakhan, Anna Kaplan, Cyndi Laird, and Yaacov Leiter, “The rapid new development of imaging technologies, mechanical devices, and types of treatment, while certainly beneficial to the patient, can also lead to ambiguity regarding specific specialty claims on certain techniques and devices.”

Pulmonary Embolisms and Interventional Medical Devices

One area that the advancements interventional medical devices have benefited in saving lives in the treatment of vascular thrombosis (blood clots). Interventional medical devices have been developed, adapted and continue to advance to save lives through treatments that improve patient outcomes, lower risks and improve the treatment predictability. Interventional radiologists, cardiologists, vascular and cardiothoracic surgeons

Are not able to provide faster and safer treatment for those suffering blood clots.

The advancements in interventional medical devices have saved lives is pulmonary embolisms. Pulmonary embolism is caused when there is a blood clot in the pulmonary arteries, located in the lungs. These blood clots can travel to the lungs from the legs, and on some occasions, other parts of the body. Although blood clotting is not a disorder, abnormal blood clotting can cause severe damage to your body, leading to death.

Pulmonary Embolisms Signs and Risk Factors

A pulmonary embolism is a blood clot that occurs in the lungs. When a blood clot gets caught in one of your arteries it can cause damage to part of your lung due to restricted blood flood and can also decrease your blood oxygen levels and affect your other organs. While large or multiple blood clots can be fatal, immediate emergency treatment can greatly increase your chance of survival and avoiding any permanent lung damage. The advancements in interventional medical devices have increased patient’s survival and overall treatment of pulmonary embolisms.


Pulmonary embolisms are most often caused by deep vein thrombosis which is a condition in which blood clots form in veins deep in your body. The blood clots that most often because pulmonary embolisms being in your legs or pelvis area. Several causes of blood clots include:

Injury or damage: If you have suffered a bone fracture or muscle tear it can cause damage to your blood vessels which can then lead to a clot.

Inactivity: If you are inactive for long periods of time, gravity will cause your blood to become stagnate in the lower areas of your body which can lead to a blood clot. This often occurs if you sit or lay down for extended periods of time.

Medical conditions: Some people have health conditions that can make them more susceptible to pulmonary embolisms. These medical conditions include surgery or chemotherapy for cancer.

Signs and Symptoms

The most common symptom of a pulmonary embolism is shortness of breath. Other signs and symptoms include:

  • irregular heart beat
  • bluish and/or clammy skin
  • pains in your chest that may extend to your arm, jaw neck, and shoulder
  • fainting
  • lightheadedness
  • rapid breathing
  • rapid heartbeat
  • restlessness
  • spitting up blood
  • weak pulse

If you notice you have one or more of these symptoms, especially shortness of breath, seek medical help right away.

Who is at Risk

Those at a higher risk for blood clots have family members that have suffered from pulmonary embolisms in the past. Some other medical conditions that can put you at risk include:

  • cancer
  • heart disease
  • fractures in your leg or hope
  • a history of strokes or heart attacks
  • major surgery
  • overweight/obesity
  • a sedentary lifestyle
  • over the age 60 years
  • taking estrogen or testosterone
  • pregnancy

If you believe you might be at risk for blood clots, talk with your doctor about diagnosis and treatment options.

Pulmonary Embolism Medical Resources

Several Pulmonary Embolism medical resources can help you understand PE and give you some good resources to speak with your health care provider about when it comes to using the appropriate, safest, medical device for your condition. Some interventional medical devices that can help those who have PE are:

  • Inferior Vena Cava (IVC) Filter
  • Systemic Thrombolysis
  • Catheter-Directed Fibrinolysis
  • Ultrasound-Assisted Catheter-Directed Thrombolysis

These devices can help prevent abnormal blood clotting as well as promote heart health. According to First Affiliated Hospital Xi’an Jiaotong University, ” Recent studies have concluded that interventional therapy is a viable approach with a high success rate, effective improvement of clinical outcomes, and minimization of major bleeding risks” In the past, PE was usually treated with intravenous therapy, making patients at a higher risk of bleeding.


With the advancement of medical devices, specific implants have proven to be more efficient and less costly. According to Stephen P. Reis, with the US National Library of Medicine, “Anticoagulation (AC) alone does not dissolve thrombus. Rapid restoration of pulmonary perfusion using thrombolytic can benefit select patients. Therefore, doing more research, having access to the best resources on pulmonary embolisms, and discussing your options for, if needed, interventional medical devices, can help promote heart and lung health, and save your life.

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