
The Rise of Mental Health Issues in the Age of Social Media

Social media has revolutionized how people interact with each other. As social media platforms have become more convenient and accessible, individuals’ engagement has surged. While social media may seemingly bring people closer to each other, the consequences on mental health are yet unknown. There is an increasing concern about the rise of mental health issues associated with social media use. In the following rows, we will talk about the correlation between mental health and social media use, including the causes of mental health issues in the age of social media.

Mental Health Issues

Mental health is a critical aspect of a person’s overall well-being. It refers to individuals’ psychological and emotional welfare, and its impact on their quality of life. Mental health issues are characterized by emotional, behavioral, and cognitive abnormalities that disrupt an individual’s ability to function. Mental problems can range from mild, like anxiety and mild depression, among others, to severe, like bipolar disorder and schizophrenia.

Over the years, social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram have transformed the way people connect and interact with each other. Social media allows individuals to share information, photos, videos, and news with a wider audience than ever before. While these platforms positively affect the way people interact, there are also significant challenges that mental health professionals are addressing.

Social media interaction can lead to increased anxiety, stress, and depression. Social media is a forum for cyberbullying, which attacks individuals’ self-esteem and self-confidence. Often, such cyberbullying incidents go unnoticed, leaving the victims in a state of self-doubt and self-criticism.

Social media has further fueled FOMO (Fear of Missing Out), leading to social comparisons. People feel like their lives are insignificant compared to others, leading to stress, anxiety, and even depression. Social media can be addictive, leading to an increased risk of developing anxiety disorders and antisocial disorders.

Causes of Mental Health Issues Associated with Social Media

1. Cyberbullying

Cyberbullying is a prevalent phenomenon in social media. Cyberbullying is the use of digital technologies such as social media platforms to bully, harass, or harm another individual. Cyberbullying causes severe emotional trauma, leading to several mental health disorders. The experience can leave victims with low self-esteem and a lack of confidence.

2. Social Comparisons

Social media is full of perfectionism. Users post only the best version of themselves, highlighting their achievements and successes. This creates the perception that everyone is living a perfect life, making others feel inferior and insignificant. This “keeping up with the Joneses” culture leads to mental health issues like anxiety and depression.

3. Validation

On social media, users are looking for validation and approval. Many users evaluate their personal worth in terms of how many likes, comments, and followers they have. Users check their phones frequently to see if they have received notifications validating their worth. When the validation is missing, anxiety, stress, and depression result.

Preventing Mental Health Issues Associated with Social Media

1. Limit Social Media Use

Individuals need to make a concerted effort to limit their social media use. Mental health professionals recommend setting aside specific times of the day to check social media. It is also essential to switch off notifications to avoid being distracted and setting personal boundaries.

2. Know the Limits

Individuals who follow celebrities or influencers should remember that social media is highly curated, and everything posted isn’t necessarily the full picture. It’s important to understand that social media doesn’t always depict reality, and people’s lives are not as perfect as they appear online.

3. Take Breaks

To stay mentally healthy, social media breaks are crucial. Individuals should take time to disconnect from technology and engage in other activities that promote relaxation and downtime.


Social media has revolutionized modern communication. The downside, however, is that social media usage is associated with mental health issues. The rise of social media has led to cyberbullying, social comparisons, and validation issues. People struggling with mental health issues related to social media should seek the help of mental health professionals. It is crucial for individuals to limit their social media usage, know the limits of social media, and take breaks to maintain their mental health. With proper management, people can enjoy the benefits of social media without negatively impacting their mental health.

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