
The Domestic Deadlifter – 6 Tips For Setting Up Your Own Home Gym

crossfit-garageBeing able to work out in the convenience and comfort of your own home can be fantastic. It is also a great example to set for your children. if you are able to get up early each day and workout at home, so that by the time they wake up, you are dripping with sweat and ready for a shower.

You can also save a lot of time and money by having your own set up at home, but it can be difficult getting the right equipment to ensure you have a well-rounded workout routine. Don’t be the guy who has a couple of dumbbells with 5kg on either side rolled under his bed that says he works out at home.

If you’re planning on setting up a home gym, there’s a few things to keep in mind.

Break Up the Cost

It’s going to cost a bit, but if you set up a good gym and use it for a few years it will end up cheaper than a regular gym membership. Plus, you will be saving on time getting to and from the gym. Don’t skimp on quality to save yourself money, instead just pick up a few things here and there every few months and slowly grow your gym over the course of a year.

This is also a good way to figure out exactly what you want and will use by realising what you’re missing. Rather than going into a store and buying everything that looks cool or is on sale. One essential to start with is a good quality squat rack and some bumper plates. With this, you can do all of your basic Olympic lifts. A workout of squats and deadlifts alone is a great strength and size builder.

Get Some Fitness Feng Shui

Use some Feng Shui principles.

Your workouts should be enjoyable time to yourself, with the aim of bettering yourself. So, don’t try and do them in a cramped, dark corner of your house. Set up a space that is well lit, preferably with lots of natural light. It should have an airy, light feel to it, to keep your mood high and your workouts enjoyable.

Clear out all the clutter and just keep your workout gear in there, neatly arranged and accessible. Try putting some plants into the space as well to help with air purity while you’re working hard and sucking in the air.

Mirror Image

Put some mirrors into the space as a way of checking on your form but also to help with self-motivation. One of the best things about working out at home is that you can feel free to take your shirt off and check yourself out.

You’re working hard for the body that you want, so it will help to be able to see the progress you are (or are not) making as a way of keeping you motivated and working hard.

Get a Good Sound System

One of the stock items in every gym is a decent sound system, yours shouldn’t be the same. Have you ever tried working out in silence? It just doesn’t feel right and it makes the time drag.

Get some good playlists together and let the music help keep your energy levels at a high for the duration of your workout. A good track coming on for your final set can make a world of difference to the weight you’re pushing.

Start Small

As you gradually build your home gym, it can be a good idea to start small so that you aren’t buying any unnecessary equipment. If you have the space to start with a squat rack then great, go for that. But don’t go overboard buying a heap of benches and dumbbells straight off the bat.

Instead, try getting some kettlebells, which are versatile and can be used for a range of exercises. Resistance bands are also a great workout tool that take up almost no space in your setup and are cheap to buy. Start small and build up from there, buying what you need, and when you need it.

Customize Your Space

As well as keeping if Feng Shui, having your own home gym is a great opportunity to customize it with your own surrounds. So many fitness chains have their walls plastered with motivational quotes that are either so well known that they have no motivational power left in them, or make no sense. So take this opportunity to put your own posters up and make it your own.

Having a home gym is a great opportunity to create your own perfect workout space. Make the most of it!

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