The future of the economy lies with small and medium businesses, because those businesses are what helps economy grow. While great corporations make millions each day, they do not give as much back to the economy, because they are usually the final destination. So, in such an economic climate, it can be very profitable to start a small business. If you have an idea about selling a certain product or service, you can easily apply for a start-up loan from your government and get started right away.
Now, if you want your business to grow, you will need to start bringing money in by selling the product or service of your choice. You cannot do that without notifying the potential customers of your existence. You can do this by exploiting the right marketing strategies. Here are five of them:
Make your customers feel respected and special
Everyone likes to feel special, especially today, when everything is rushing and everyone is running towards certain goals in life. People simply think that they have no time just stand and be appreciated. This is where you come in. Try to find ways to make your customers feel appreciated for purchasing your product or using your service. For example, if you are selling hand-made bags, insert a little thank-you note inside and, perhaps, a small, scented, rose petal. This will help your customers feel special for purchasing your product and they will more likely come back to purchase some of your products again and will more likely recommend your business to their friends. In the modern age we can use small data we gather along the way to determine what work better for us.
Develop mailing lists
While this may seem pointless to you, mailing lists and e-mailing newsletters is still one of the best ways in which you can promote. This goes for old-fashioned mailing, as well. There is a trick to this, though. Not just any kind of newsletter will work. Your newsletters have to be concise, well thought through and they need to look light. No one likes spam, but if your newsletter or e-mail contains vital and valuable information, while still being neatly designed, then they will be welcomed and even expected. It also enables you to save money and become more efficient, as well as retain a paper free working philosophy.
Create events
One of the ways that you can always utilize to make your company more heard of is to organize some sort of event that will promote both the company and the product or service that you wish to sell. For example, if you are selling wine, organize a wine tasting event. It will most certainly be a great hit with the local populace. The best thing here is that there is no need for conventional promoting of such events anymore. Facebook has made it all much easier. You just create an event and, if the idea is likeable and original, the people will come as they will most surely hear of it.
Have promotional material made
When trying to promote your business, you have to make sure that your company's name, logo and brand are visible in the market. This means that you have to get your name out there and make it stick in people's minds. If it does not stick, than you will have to remind them of it. Once again, I'll give you an example: to help your potential customers deal with the never-ending heat during the summer days, you can give them nicely designed water bottles with your business' name or logo on it, so that they will use it every day and be reminded of your services every time they use it. You will give these out for free, but they will return the investment through an increase in sold products. This a recommended technique for family businesses which works quite well.
Make a website
I've saved this one for the last, because it is somehow understood that you have already done this. If you haven't already, than I strongly suggest that you do so. No business exists nowadays without a website. Establishing a strong Internet presence is vital if you wish to go anywhere with your company. Hire a web-design crew to do the website for you and work closely with them in order to get the maximum out of your website. When people look for things that they need to buy nowadays, they almost always do it on the Internet, so you absolutely HAVE to be there.
Hopefully, these ideas will get you going before too long. These are sure-fire ways to promote your business and to help it grow financially, which, I think, is the primary goal of any new business.